Arwing is the name of the ship that is used in the Star Fox universe. The Arwings appear in the Sector Z, Corneria, Venom, and Lylat Cruise stages. The Arwing is the ship that Fox uses in the Star Fox game; it is a small ship that shoots out lasers. The Arwings that shoot at the Great Fox could either be Fox's team members or Fox himself, but not Wolf O'donnel or his team, Star Wolf(for more on Star Wolf see: Wolfen).

Arwings appear in both Super Smash Bros. and Melee. They all function the same way on each stage. Arwings fly around the stage and shoot lasers at the Great Fox. Any character that makes contact with the lasers take a descent amount of damage. The Arwings sometimes don't shoot at the Great Fox and fly over it instead. Characters can jump on the Arwing while it is flying over the Great Fox. If the Arwing flies off the screen, then that character that was on the Arwing will recieve a Star KO. The Arwings do not target anyone specific when they start firing their lasers.