Greetings, fellow Smashwikier! I trust you're new, and need some help on how it all works. Here are some commonly asked questions to get you started.

What's a wiki?

A wiki is a unique system in which any user can contribute information to a growing website, designed to give people up-to-date information created by the people, for the people. The best-known example of a wiki is Wikipedia.

How can I contribute to this wiki?

Easily. All you need to do to become a contributor is to register an account. Your information is confidential. Once you sign up, you can revise any page that exists on SmashWiki. Or, you can create a new page by searching for it on the left side of the screen, and clicking the option to make a new page. If it's already been made, feel free to add to that existing page. You can also use formatting, above the text box, and you can even preview before you add to see how it looks.

Um. Isn't this just like Wikipedia?

Not at all. Wikipedia provides general information for virtually everything, but does not focus specifically on the Super Smash Bros. series. Lots of in-depth information about the SSB series have been rejected. Only here will you find instant help for your games, and how to improve and learn more about this game series.

What's a "sysop"?

Sysops are essentially the moderators of SmashWiki, appointed to keep everything in order. They can make advanced edits to the structure of SmashWiki and punish users who endanger or vandalize its safety. To meet these ends, sysops are entrusted with powers beyond those of a normal user.

Sweet. Can I be one?

Very rarely are sysops chosen, and if they are, it's a small handful. If you really want to be a sysop, make yourself known as a dedicated and active contributor, and make noticable improvements to the wiki to be considered.

eh.. I probably don't have anything to add anyway..

Nonsense! There's always something that needs improving at the SmashWiki, and it could be you who does it. You could add character information that hasn't been added, improve on pages that haven't been worked on, or even make pages you believe should exist at our Wiki. Even if you don't know much about the game, every positive submission is a step in the right direction, no matter how little it is.

Nice, thanks!

You're welcome!

Remember, if you still have any problems, feel free to message one of our friendly staff at their talk page.

Hope to see you there!