Pikmin Chain is Pikmin & Olimar's Up Special Move. Captain Olimar creates a chain of Pikmin and uses it to latch onto a ledge. It functions as a Tether Recovery. The distance recovered is dependent on how many Pikmin Olimar has, and can either have an extremely long range or be completely useless. It has a little vertical rise, can be used to pseudo-spike edge hogs. It does not reorder your pikmin. When used on the ground, Olimar shoots the Pikmin chain diagonally up like in midair, giving small damage and knockback to whoever it hits. The effect of the chain on the opponent varies based on the next Pikmin in line; a yellow Pikmin as the next in line will cause electrocution damage and minor knockback, a red Pikmin will cause fire damage and minor knockback, a white Pikmin will cause poison damage and minor knockback, and purple or blue Pikmin will cause more and still more knockback, respectively.


This attack doesn't come from the Pikmin universe. It was created just for Brawl, the only one of Olimar's Special moves that is.

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