Team info
Crew(s) NAS
Personal and other info
Real name Andy
Location Freiburg i. Breisgau, Germany Germany
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Best German Jiggs

Ame$ is a Jigglypuff player from Freiburg, Germany.
He is leader of the crew New Age of Smash , which currently
is ranked 3rd best in Germany .
He plays smash on a comepetitiv level since December 06 and is know as
Germany´s best Jigglypuff player after the Easter Egg Parade, Eastern 07.


He nearly plays every tournament match with Jigglypuff.
Sometimes he takes Fox, Sheik or Peach as a counterpick
In Freeplay matches he rarely uses Jigglypuff, cause he likes to
train his other charakters (especially his counterpicks).

His lowtier mains are Pichu and Pikachu.
But he is also using Kirby and Young Link from time to time

As fun characters he plays Doc, IC´s and Samus.
But only versus lower skilled players or his crew mates.

Attended Tournaments

  • Smash Fest Freibrug 3 (SFF#3), April 07
  • Easter Egg Parade, Alsheim (EEP), Eastern 07
  • Welcome to the Dirty South Tournament (DST), May 07
