User:Nyargleblargle/Do I have a problem

The testEdit

Question Answer Points
Do you typically use SmashWiki at least once a week? (1) Of course. 1
Do you typically use SmashWiki at least once a day? (2) Effectively, yes. 2
Do you typically use SmashWiki for more than an hour a day? (4) No. 0
Is more than 60% of your time online spent at SmashWiki? (10) No. 0
...75%? (25) Nope 0
...exactly 100%? (100) Is this even possible 0
Do you start new articles? (2) Yes. 2
...Every day? (25) No 0
Do you hook up to SmashWiki over a public wireless Internet connection? (2) Sometimes 2
Do you edit SmashWiki articles while over such a connection? (4) No 0
Is that connection in a restaurant? (6) *nervous sweating* 6
...Do you edit SmashWiki while waiting for your meal? (8) No 0
...During your meal? (20) No 0
...While eating? (25) No 0
...One hand on the keyboard, and one on your food? (100) See above 0
Do you stop eating to edit SmashWiki and then throw your meal away, because it spoiled while you were editing? (50) Again, is this even a thing 0
Did you pick that restaurant because of the free WiFi? (5) Never 0
Are you on an aircraft with wireless access to the Internet during flight? (25) Only by coincidence. 0
...because you can edit on SmashWiki on it? (35) I will not fall for bourgeoisie scams like paid wifi. 0
Do you talk in wiki markup code? (2) Once in a blue moon. 2
...Every day? (50) No. 0
Do you request that articles be created, improved, expanded, deleted, etc.? (1) Rarely enough to not count. 0
Do you fulfill such requests? (2) GEE I WONDER 2
Have you requested a new software feature, or reported a bug, in the last few weeks? (2) Not on this wiki. 0
Do you make redirect pages? (1) Yes 1
Do you think you're using a significant portion of SmashWiki's bandwidth? (5) Probably not. 0
Do you click on "Random Page" at least once a day (or just because you're bored)? (2) ...Not that often. 0
When you click 'Random Page' do you, more often than not, find an article you have edited? (3) No, I edit a few pages fervently. 0
...Written? (10) Nope 0
...Always? (200) 0
Have you ever gotten the same random page twice in a row? (3) No 0
...Three times in a row? (10) No 0
Do you check new pages every week? (1.5) No, RecentChanges master race 0
Do you check new pages every day? (3 more) Never 0
Do you check new pages every hour? (30 more) Never 0
Do you check Recent Changes almost every day? (2) G E E I W O N D E R 2
Do you check Recent Changes more than ten times a day? (5) Probably tbh 5
...50 times a day? (50) No 0
Do you have Recent Changes bookmarked? (1) Yes 1
Do you have Recent Changes set as your start page? (12) No... 0
Do you check your Watchlist almost every day? (1) No 0
Do you check your Watchlist every day? (2) No 0
Do you check your Watchlist more than ten times a day? (4) No 0
Do you have your Watchlist set as your start page? (8) Okay, hold up. There's more than one start page criteria. No one can fulfill both, and so it's impossible to get the highest score. 0
Do you have more than 50 items in your watchlist? (1) I cleaned it. 0
...More than 100? (2) Nope 0
...More than 1000? (4) Nah 0
...More than 10,000? (8) Are there even that many pages on this wiki? 0
...too much? (100, plus 12 for every hour you wasted) No 0
Do you occasionally promote SmashWiki, either in person or by mentioning it on social media, IRC, forums or message boards, web pages, mail signatures, etc.? (2 for each promotion) Yes. 6
...Every day? (5) No 0
...Incessantly? (10) No 0
Do you find yourself writing regular text using SmashWiki link and layout conventions? (3) ... 3
Is something you have thought was important, such as social life, career or studies, suffering because you spend so much time on SmashWiki? (10) When I was in my "3000 edits in 4 months" period, yes. 10
Are you not getting enough sleep because of time on SmashWiki? (9) Yes 9
Are you sleeping during the day (as of 8 AM) because you edited SmashWiki overnight? (5 points, plus overslept time in hours) Not entirely.
Do you forget to think twice before you say something to real people but re-check a hundred times what you have typed in before posting your comment in a talk page? (5) Yep. 5
Do you judge people you know in "real life" partly on the basis of their SmashWiki contributions? (6) No. 0
Do you think quality of contributions to SmashWiki is an important criterion in choosing a partner for a close relationship? (17) N...o... 0
Do you argue that contributions to SmashWiki are "productive" or "useful" - unlike "wasting time" playing games or watching football? (5) Guilty as charged 5
Have you ever phoned another SmashWikian? (1) Nah 0
Have you ever met another SmashWikian in "real life"? (2) Not a user 0
Have you ever had sex with another SmashWikian? Sock puppet accounts don't count. (10) No 0
Did you buy a second monitor so you could edit SmashWiki more efficiently? (25) >tfw poor 0
Did you immediately think of ways to improve this test, or adjust the scores so that they neatly add up to 100? (3.14) See above 3.14
Do you think your score is too high and maybe you'll do something about it after "a few more edits"? (6) No 0
...after "a lot more edits"? (10) No 0
...after "a billion more edits"? (150) No 0
Or are you so proud of it that you retake the test every month to see how more addicted you've become? (10) We'll see 0
Have you ever looked for the edit this page link on an ordinary Web page? (3) Yes 3
Have you ever instinctively reached for the edit link to correct an unfortunate wording while reading a newspaper or book? (4) No 0
Have you ever edited an article on SmashWiki while paying long distance charges to connect to the Internet? (5) One edit to a moveset article, but it counts. 5
Do you make edits while drunk or under the influence of other intoxicating substances and find that nobody reverts your changes? (1) No. 0
Have you ever edited SmashWiki while taking a bath because you found it made the experience even more relaxing? (5) OwO What's that? But seriously, no. 0
Have you ever publicly declared that you've quit SmashWiki but found yourself lingering about anyway? (7) Not really 0
Have you ever requested to be a sysop? (2) G E E I W O N D E R 2
Are you a sysop? (2) G E E I W O N D E R 2
Have you ever requested to be a bureaucrat? (3) I've considered it, but no 0
Are you a bureaucrat? (3 points more) No 0
Do you edit articles in your sleep? (17) Near-sleep, but no. 0
Do you curse out loud upon waking and realizing that you have to make all those edits over again? (2 points more) No. 0
...Or are the edits actually still there...? (200 points) Nope. 0
Do you edit SmashWiki on a laptop? (1) Yes 1
Did your laptop's fan go on by itself while you were at SmashWiki? (2) Yes 2
Did your laptop melt (or show serious signs of melting) while you were editing SmashWiki? (100 points and a new computer fan) No, but I'm surprised it hasn't. 0
Do you edit SmashWiki with a mobile phone or tablet? (2) Yes 2
...Because you can't wait until you get access to a PC to add some obscure fact to SmashWiki? (4) Yep. 4
Have you edited before 6:30 am? (6) Yes 6
...until 4 am? (2) No, but only narrowly 0
...until 6 am? (4) No 0
...until 8 am or later? (7) No 0
After reading the last question, did you give yourself 13 points because it is always 4, 6, or 8 AM somewhere? (13 points for cleverness :) No. 0
Do you edit SmashWiki at night (i.e. after midnight) consuming drinks to keep you up? (2) Yes. Not alcoholic, but yes. 2
Do you hold SmashWiki Nights, that is, nights when you intentionally go to bed late, after spending hours editing SmashWiki? (5) No 0
Do you get people to join you in such an event? (10) I'm not that pathetic. 0
Do you have an urge to edit this nonexistent article? (1) Just a bit. 1
Did you immediately try to create the above nonexistent article? (10) No. 0
From how many locations or devices did you visit SmashWiki the past 30 days? (1 per machine) 3 3
When people ask you questions, is your answer invariably a wiki link? (3) No. 0
Do you use terms like "stub", "1rv", "rollback", "revert", "blanking", "content", or other terms in their SmashWiki sense in unrelated contexts? (2) Yes. 2
...ALL those terms? (50) Not rollback or revert. 0
Have you ever thought about the social impact of SmashWiki? (15) Oh, plenty. 15
Have you ever browsed SmashWiki while communicating with your significant other? (5) I wish :( 0
Have you told your significant other something on SmashWiki while communicating with them? (10) Nah 0
...Was he or she impressed? (5) No 0
...Or bored? (-5) No 0
Have you ever gone and done something new on this list, deliberately to raise your score? (1) Not yet 0
Have you broken some sort of rule just to visit SmashWiki? (6) Shhhh. 6
Have you spotted a typo in this test and now have a crushing urge to edit that typo but dare not edit it for you won't remember where you read up to? (3) I saw missing cells. 3
...Are your hands shaking from not editing it? (4) IT'S TOO LATE 0
...Have you edited it? (5) See above 5
Do you use the shortcut keys when using SmashWiki? (2) Nope 0
When you wake up in the night and can't get back to sleep due to some nagging worry do you get up and start working on SmashWiki so that you will get tired and have something relaxing to fill your mind when you go back to bed? (2) Once 2
...Did it work? (40) A teeny tiny bit. 40
Have you in your impatience for others to edit an article, brought an article all the way from a stub to featured article status? (10) No. 0
Have you ever signed a real email with ~~~~? (1) Almost 0
...Two emails with ~~~~? (2) No 0
...100 emails with ~~~~? (50) Nah... 0
...All emails you have sent with ~~~~, and have done so for more than 250 emails? (500) No 0
Have you ever argued with anyone over SmashWiki's accuracy? (5) Mhmm 5
...Did you win? (10) Of course 10
...Did you win, but you were the one saying it was not accurate? (-15) Nope 0
Do you find yourself caught up in SmashWiki discussions a lot? (14) In fact I do. 14
...more than real-life discussions? (36) Yes :( 36