User:HavocReaper48/DKC200X/Chapter 3

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Previously on Donkey Kong Country 200X...

Havoc: "The real place you're looking for is that way."

Brandon: "You must cease these spamming actions immediately."

Slipknot Darkrai: "This is the real Donkey Kong Wiki!"

There's no point in arguing with these guys.

Havoc could of sworn he saw a moving shadow.

SD: "Well, uh, back to good doing."

H: "Back to the new DKWiki? Finally got through to him."

Or had it?

Cranky Kong: "Back in my day, we didn't have backstory! The best we got was a short paragraph in the manual! If it even had a manual! In fact, usually the REAL backstory was to get a high score for bragging rights!"

Havoc: "You're stalling the next chapter!"

CK: "Fine. Just be happy THIS fanon gets a recap, as opposed to whatever the ninety eight kid does."

Havoc: "This whole point of this fanon is a more detailed backstory to Anon's; be grateful you get a cameo at all!"

CK: "You're just a DKC fanboy who loves my forth wall breaking skills!"

Chapter 3: Table Turner

Havoc dumbfoundedly stared at the mess before him.

January 27, 2011. Donkey Kong Wikia.

He went to check in on the Wikia to find the users armed with tools to fend off vandalism completely stripped of their tools. Gone. To add insult to injury, they were all... napping? Sleeping, have some sorts of nightmares. Once great rollbackers and administrators armed to the teeth were now shells of their former selves before him.

Havoc approached Dr. Pain 99 and tried shaking him.

Roy's B move.jpg

Dr. Pain 99!

"What happened?!"


Havoc saw there was no waking him up. The staff couldn't of done this... no, not directly, at least. True they blindly demoted anyone who gets in their way, had the people before him defended DKWiki in vain? Had SD reported them all?

He couldn't fix this himself. As a parting gift to leaving DKWikia, the staff had stolen his scythe on Wikia grounds.

Havoc clenched his fists. Darkrai. He ran off to the Bulletin Board, which kept record of all Logs. In the user rights logs he found what he was looking for.

  • (User rights log) 01:59, 2011 January 27 Brandon Rhea (Talk | contribs | block) changed group membership for User:Slipknot Darkrai from (none) to Administrators and Bureaucrats (Adoption request)

Havoc's jaw dropped. Stunned, could not speak a word until he confronted Darkrai a few seconds later.

"What did you do?!"

"Oh, hey Havoc, are you going to return?"

"Answer me first! Why did you demote everyone?!"

"The wiki needed a new admin. You guys all left so I stepped up."

"And removed everyone's rights just for leaving?!"

"They left! They don't need them!"

Havoc's mind raced. Slip asked if he was returning, in addition to mentioning the ones who didn't remain (everyone) would not qualify for power. Should he give in?

"Uh... sure. Why not."

He could use this to his advantage -- shortly he could request for his powers back comfortably. Once returned, he would report Slipknot Darkrai to the proper authorities and go about his DKWiki business.

"Great! See you around!"

One day later, HavocReaper had caught up with Brandon Rhea. He approached the door to Rhea's tree hut, otherwise known as a userpage.

"Havoc! You mean bully! I will not let you continue!"

Havoc turned around only to see a shadow. A living shadow entity. An angry, levitating shadow with a cyan eye.

"Why? So you don't get punished for what you deserve?"

"I know what you're thinking!"

Suddenly he tossed a ball of dark energy directly at Reaper.

The impact launched Havoc upwards, off the tree hut and onto the jungle ground. He coughed up some blood on impact and groaned, and slowly picked himself up only to see Darkrai floating down before him.

"I'm sick and tired of your bullying me around with your powers. Now I have power too."

Clearly the promotion made him stronger than their last bout.

"I have no choice now..."

He raised his shiny scythe, deliberately making the shine reflect onto the embodiment of shadow's face. Groaning, Slip disappeared into the shadows. Havoc slashed at the dark, actually creating some sort of ripple. The dark had become a part of SD.

"Behind you."

Havoc slashed a long 180o horizontal sweeping attack, only to find another ripple.


A scythe jab to the left immediately followed, though Havoc was hit with another energy ball from the right.

"Oops. That was my left."

Havoc growled.

"Come out and face me, coward!"

"Me, cowardice? Nonsense!", follow by coming out of the dark. His arm grew and wrapped around Havoc. "How do ya like me now?!", followed by crushing Havoc in his grip, then tossing him down.

"Head's up!"

Havoc glared up to see a huge burst of shadow energy being shot directly toward him. The sight of it froze Havoc in place, as he lost all feeling in his legs. He could only manage putting his last bit of energy into using the scythe as a shield in front of his face as the darkness piled above him, pouring down from above. He thought his scythe would give in any second. A small cracking noise followed.

"Give up now! I WILL dominate all who come in my way of worldwide conquest!"

Suddenly, the sky above him lit of red, pure lighted beam. Just then Havoc passed out.


Donkey Kong Country 200X
Prologues Prologue 1Prologue 2
Chapters OneTwoThreeFour