
Joined September 12, 2023
Revision as of 13:35, May 3, 2024 by Ang3l (talk | contribs) (Created page with "I am Ang3l, better known as Oasis in my local scene. I like documenting things going on around me and fixxing up bits and pieces, mainly around the UK smash scene. I currently reside and attend in Bath for university but actively attend in London when I am at home too. I mainly watch and care for ult but also play Melee, PM and HDR.")
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I am Ang3l, better known as Oasis in my local scene. I like documenting things going on around me and fixxing up bits and pieces, mainly around the UK smash scene. I currently reside and attend in Bath for university but actively attend in London when I am at home too.

I mainly watch and care for ult but also play Melee, PM and HDR.