User:Iron Warrior/Potential list of character changes for SSB6

< User:Iron Warrior
Revision as of 13:00, March 10, 2022 by Iron Warrior (talk | contribs) (I wonder if Sakurai reads SmashWiki)

Please note that I have not actually put much about my opinions for character changes yet. I will try and get the first couple of characters done soon, so kindly be patient.

I might get to some characters sooner than others. I will not be putting specific details on any of the changes yet, as I don't feel like it. But you can, I strongly encourage you to give me ideas on the talk page and ignore SW:OWN if necessary.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

  • Buff Buff (Good)
  • Nerf Nerf (Bad)
  • Change Change (Neutral)
  • Bug fix Bugfix (Depends)


  • Decreased ending lag on perfect shield
  • Increased intangibility on perfect shield
  • Actions always have their normal startup lag out of shield
  • Characters will now always ledge sweetspot while performing select actions
  • Ledge sweetspot improved when sweetspotting from behind
  • Pummels deal more damage
  • Throw animations are much faster
  • Air dodges have reduced ending lag
  • Spot dodge cancelling removed
  • Directional air dodge travels the same distance across the cast
  • Air dodges have universal startup across the cast
  • Rapid jabs no longer affect the position of all players involved
  • Hitstun cancelling removed
  • Wall grapples reintroduced
  • Counters universally reflect projectiles

Banjo & Kazooie


  •   Air speed is higher.
  •   Jump is higher.

Ground attacks

  •   Neutral attack has increased knockback on the third hit.
  •   Forward tilt has increased range.
  •   Up tilt has a larger hitbox and increased knockback.
  •   Dash attack has larger hitboxes, reduced ending lag, and increased knockback on the initial hitbox.

Aerial attacks

  •   All aerials have reduced ending and landing lag with larger hitboxes throughout.
  •   Forward aerial has reduced knockback scaling.
  •   Up aerial deals more damage.
  •   Down aerial deals significantly more knockback.
  •   Down aerial descends faster.

Throws/other attacks

  •   Forward and up throws deal increased knockback.
  •   Down throw has reduced bury duration.

Special moves

  •   Breegull Blaster has reduced ending lag, allowing for increased aerial followups.
  •   Shock Spring Jump has reduced startup and ending lag, travels faster and higher especially if charged, and the projectile deals increased knockback.



  •   Bullet Arts deal increased damage.

Ground attacks

  •   All ground moves have reduced ending lag.
  •   Neutral attack has reduced startup lag, now being on par with most others of its kind.
  •   Forward tilt has reduced startup and ending lag, deals significantly increased damage, has larger hitboxes, there's reduced downtime between hits, and the first two hits have altered angles and increased hitsun to help them connect more consistently.
  •   Up tilt's first hit has a new launch angle to help it connect more consistently.
  •   Dash attack has significantly reduced startup lag and deals increased knockback.
  •   All smashes have increased knockback, reduced startup lag, larger hitboxes, and no longer have sourspots.

Aerial attacks

  •   All aerials have reduced landing lag.
  •   Neutral aerial has reduced startup and ending lag.
  •   Back aerial's sweetspot deals increased knockback.
  •   Up aerial has a larger hitbox.
  •   Down aerial has increased priority, larger hitboxes, and the landing hit deals more knockback.

Throws/other attacks

  •   Forward and back throws deal increased knockback.
  •   Up and down throws have reduced ending lag.
  •   Down throw has significantly increased damage.

Special moves

  •   Bullet Climax deals more damage and its trajectory can be influenced more via angling.
  •   Witch Time influences projectile users from a significantly farther range and has a longer freeze duration.



  •   Walk has a new animation, now resembling the one from his home series.
  •   Air speed is higher.
  •   Air acceleration is higher.
  •   Jump is higher, being much more in-line with his own series.

Ground attacks

  •   Neutral attack has reduced ending lag on the second hit.
  •   Forward tilt deals less knockback scaling and has a smaller hitbox.
  •   Up tilt has increased range and less startup and ending lag. It also deals more knockback.
  •   Down tilt's second hit is now a semi-spike with a higher trip chance and less ending lag.
  •   Dash attack has been changed to resemble Bowser's charging animation from Super Mario 64, dealing much more damage and knockback, having larger and longer-lasting hitboxes with reduced startup and ending lag and super armor throughout the move.
  •   Up smash's landing hitbox now weakly meteor smashes aerial opponents.
  •   Down smash transitions faster to the second hit and has reduced startup and ending lag.
  •   Down smash deals less knockback scaling and has reduced range.

Aerial attacks

  •   All aerials have less landing lag.
  •   Neutral aerial's looping hits now utilize the autolink angle and have altered knockback values that allow the hits to connect properly. Additionally, its hitboxes have been altered so it only has two that both send at consistent angles.
  •   Forward aerial has less startup lag.
  •   Forward aerial has reduced knockback scaling.
  •   Up aerial has less startup lag and a larger hitbox.
  •   Down aerial can now sweetspot the ledge, improving its safety while offstage.
  •   Down aerial's landing hitbox is much smaller and has a shorter duration.

Throws/other attacks

  •   Up throw has reduced ending lag and deals more damage.
  •   Down throw now has less ending lag.

Special moves

  •   Fire Breath deals less damage per hit.
  •   Flying Slam has reduced knockback scaling.
  •   Bowser can now grab ledges with Flying Slam provided he doesn't hold down during the animation, which will inflict the standard grab release animation on the opponent.
  •   Whirling Fortress requires less button mashing to be effective.
  •   Bowser Bomb's meteor hitbox is no longer a sourspot. Additionally, the move transitions faster between hits, has much less startup lag, and the landing hitbox is larger.

Bowser Jr.


  •   Walk is faster.
  •   Dash is faster.
  •   Dash, jump, and double jump's animations has been altered.
  •   Air speed is higher.
  •   Jump is higher and Bowser Jr. can now hover a moderate distance by holding the jump button.
  •   Bowser Jr. weighs less without his Clown Car.

Ground attacks

  •   Neutral attack has reduced knockback scaling on the final hit.
  •   Forward and up tilts have less startup and ending lag.
  •   Down tilt has more range and damage, connects better, has a larger hitbox below Bowser Jr., and now sends the opponent at a semi-spike angle.
  •   Dash attack has a significantly larger hitbox and longer deceleration time. It also deals more shield damage
  •   Forward smash deals significantly more shield damage.
  •   Forward smash has a smaller hitbox and less knockback scaling.
  •   Up smash has larger hitboxes and gained a small windbox that pulls opponents in.

Aerial attacks

  •   All aerials have less landing lag.
  •   Neutral aerial has more range, deals more damage, and has increased knockback.
  •   Forward and back aerials deal significantly more knockback, granting Bowser Jr. two reliable aerial finishers under 130%.
  •   Up aerial has a much larger hitbox and can now autocancel in a short hop.
  •   Up aerial has significantly stronger damage and knockback, hindering its juggling and combo potential, but improving its KO potential.
  •   Down aerial has a much higher damage output, less ending lag, and deals greater shield damage.
  •   Down aerial's last hit is now a meteor smash.
  •   Bowser Jr. can now utilize a grab aerial.

Throws/other attacks

  •   Grab can now be used as a wall grapple/tether recovery.
  •   Down throw deals more damage and is faster, as well as now being a semi-spike.
  •   Up and side taunts now have a hitbox that deal 1% damage and weak set knockback.
  •   Side taunt now has a small windbox and is capable of tripping opponents.

Special moves

  •   Clown Cannon deals much more damage and knockback, charges faster, travels faster and farther, has a larger hitbox, has a hitbox when decelerating, and regardless of whether it contacts the opponent or not it produces an explosion that is capable of breaking shields.
  •   Clown Kart Dash's donut now hits twice on shield, deals much more shield damage, and has more horizontal momentum when airborne.
  •   Abandon Ship! has more horizontal distance and can now always be used if Bowser Jr. gets hit out of it, improving its recovery potential. The hammer swing is also automatically performed at the apex of the jump, has much more knockback, and increased range. Furthermore, the move now has armor immediately after the jump, increasing its safety.
  •   Abandon Ship now renders Bowser Jr. helpless after the initial jump.
  •   Mechakoopa has a larger hitbox, deals more shield damage, and launches Bowser Jr. at a consistent angle when he holds onto it, improving its recovery potential.
  •   Mechakoopa has less base knockback when Bowser Jr. holds onto it. Additionally, the Mechakoopa walks for a longer time before exploding. Furthermore, the Mechakoopa can now be footstooled, making it lie down in a prone position before exploding like normal.
  •   The Mechakoopa walks slower.
  •   Shadow Mario Paint is now impossible to escape due to angle changes on the hitbox.



Ground attacks

  •   Up tilt has reduced startup and ending lag.

Aerial attacks

  •   Up and down aerials have reduced landing lag.

Throws/other attacks

  •   Up and down throws have reduced ending lag.

Special moves

  •   Failnaught has significantly reduced startup and ending lag with less charge time, being repurposed to function more like a typical projectile.
  •   Failnaught has significantly reduced damage, knockback, and shield damage and its power is boosted less by charging.
  •   Areadbhar has reduced startup lag.
  •   Sword of the Creator has a larger initial hitbox.
  •   Amyr can now be shield-cancelled on startup in a similar manner to Straight Lunge, making it useful as a landing and mixup option due to the super armor.
  •   Progenitor God Ruptured Heaven deals increased damage.

Captain Falcon


Ground attacks

  •   Gentleman now deals much more knockback, making it the second strongest neutral attack in the game.
  •   Up tilt has less ending lag and a larger hitbox below Falcon.
  •   Forward smash has greatly increased range.
  •   Up smash's first hit connects more reliably into the second.
  •   Up smash has a smaller hitbox, more ending lag, and deals less knockback.

Aerial attacks

  •   Neutral aerial's respective hits no longer function like sex kicks, and the first hit has an altered launch angle, improving their reliability.
  •   Clean Knee Smash is now a semi-spike, improving its edgeguarding potential. It can additionally now autocancel in a short hop. Its clean hit also has a larger hitbox, overall significantly improving its reliably.
  •   Up aerial's late hitbox has more knockback.
  •   Down aerial's leg hitboxes are now all meteor smashes, while the topmost hitboxes are now spikes.

Throws/other attacks

  •   Grab has more range.
  •   Pummel is faster.
  •   Forward, back, and up throws have significantly increased knockback, improving their KO potential.
  •   Down throw launches opponents at a higher angle and has reduced ending lag.
  •   Up taunt now has a hitbox that deals moderate damage and powerful vertical knockback.

Special moves

  •   Falcon Punch has less ending lag and now grants a moderate momentum boost if used in the air.
  •   Raptor Boost no longer renders Captain Falcon helpless and has less lag on hit.
  •   Raptor Boost now consistently meteor smashes in the air.
  •   Falcon Dive has much less landing lag, travels more distance, and has less ending lag if it connects.
  •   Falcon Kick has less startup, ending, and landing lag and now restores Captain Falcon's midair jump if used while airborne. It also sweetspots the ledge and has a higher launch angle if used while grounded



  •   Walking speed is faster.
  •   Dashing speed is faster.
  •   Air speed is higher, now being among the fastest in the game.
  •   Jump is higher and Charizard can now glide.

Ground attacks

  •   Neutral attack's third hit has an altered animation with a much lower launch angle.
  •   Forward tilt's sweetspot is larger. Additionally, the move has less ending lag.
  •   Forward tilt has reduced range and the sweetspot has less knockback scaling.
  •   Up tilt has less ending lag and now boasts intangibility on the wings.
  •   Down tilt has much less startup and ending lag and has a larger hitbox.
  •   Up smash has much smaller hitboxes.
  •   Down smash is now visually identical to Ridley's and deals much more knockback.

Aerial attacks

  •   All aerials have less landing lag.
  •   Neutral and back aerial's sweetspots are significantly easier to connect with.
  •   Neutral aerial has much less ending lag.
  •   Forward aerial has a larger hitbox and less ending lag.
  •   Sweetspotted back aerial deals less knockback.
  •   Up and down aerials have larger hitboxes and much less startup and ending lag.
  •   Down aerial no longer has sour spot hitboxes.

Throws/other attacks

  •   Forward, back, and up throws throws deal much more knockback, now KOing reliably around 150%.
  •   Up throw can now be steered during descent and can be used as a self-destruct.
  •   Up throw now functions like Flying Slam does on platforms.
  •   Down throw deals more damage and has less ending lag.

Special moves

  •   Flamethrower has a larger hitbox and deals more damage per hit.
  •   Flare Blitz has much less lag after colliding with opponents and obstacles and deals greater shield damage.
  •   Fly travels farther and maintains momentum better at the end of the move.
  •   Pokemon Change no longer has downtime and a menu can be used by holding the special button briefly.



  •   Jump is higher.

Ground attacks

  •   Up tilt deals increased knockback, an altered animation that increases the hitbox size, and reduced startup and ending lag.
  •   Dash attack has increased range and reduced startup and ending lag.
  •   Up smash has increased damage and reduced ending lag.

Aerial attacks

  •   Neutral aerial's first hit has an altered angle that makes it connect more consistently and increased hitstun to help it combo better.

Throws/other attacks

  •   All throws deal significantly increased damage.

Special moves

  •   Double-Edge Dance deals increased damage on all hitboxes and increased hitstun on all connecting hits.
  •   Soaring Slash snaps to ledge sooner, effectively increasing its vertical distance and improving its recovery potential.
  •   Counter initiates faster and has a larger hitbox and longer duration upon activation.



Ground attacks

  •   Forward tilt has significantly increased range.
  •   Down tilt has reduced landing lag.
  •   Forward smash's first two hits have altered launch angles and increased hitstun that allow them to connect better.

Aerial attacks

  •   Neutral and up aerials have larger hitboxes.
  •   Forward aerial has a higher launch angle on the grounded spike.
  •   Forward aerial has smaller hitboxes.

Throws/other attacks

  •   Grab has reduced startup lag and increased range.
  •   All throws have significantly reduced ending lag.

Special moves

  •   Blade Beam has less startup and ending lag.
  •   Cross Slash's connecting hits have altered launch angles and increased hitstun that allow them to connect better.
  •   Climhazzard snaps to ledge earlier and more reliably, the descending hitbox consistently spikes, and the initial hit has a higher launch angle that lets it connect into the descending hit more reliably.
  •   Finishing Touch deals significantly more knockback, the aerial version no longer deals less, and it has reduced startup and ending lag.



  •   Walk is faster.
  •   Dash is faster.
  •   Air speed is higher.
  •   Jump is higher.

Ground attacks

  •   Forward tilt has a larger hitbox.
  •   Up tilt has a larger hitbox and reduced startup and ending lag.
  •   Down tilt has reduced knockback scaling and less startup and ending lag.
  •   Dash attack travels faster and farther and deals more damage and shield damage.
  •   Forward smash has reduced charge time and the charge hitbox has increased SDI multipliers and shield pushback.
  •   Up smash has a larger hitbox and deals increased knockback.
  •   Down smash has less startup and ending lag and a lowered launch angle.

Aerial attacks

  •   All aerials have reduced ending and landing lag.
  •   Forward aerial has reduced knockback scaling.
  •   Back aerial has less startup lag.
  •   Down aerial deals increased damage and knockback.
  •   Down aerial descends faster.

Throws/other attacks

  •   Forward and back throws have increased knockback.
  •   Down throw has a faster animation with reduced ending lag and its knockback scaling now matches up throw's, allowing it to be used as a DI mixup to KO even earlier.

Special moves

  •   Dragon Fang Shot has reduced startup and ending lag and requires less charge time.
  •   Dragon Lunge has increased knockback scaling on the dash.
  •   Draconic Ascent has reduced startup lag and travels farther with a higher launch angle and increased knockback scaling.
  •   Counter Surge initiates faster and has a larger hitbox and longer duration upon activation. Additionally, it has a higher damage multiplier to bolster its effectiveness.



  •   Walk is faster.
  •   Dash is faster.
  •   Air speed is higher.
  •   Fall speed is higher.
  •   Double jump is higher and Daisy now has two of them.
  •   Float is removed.

Ground moves

  •   Neutral attack does increased damage.
  •   Forward tilt has a larger hitbox with massively increased knockback.
  •   Up tilt has been reverted to Peach's Melee up tilt, with increased damage and knockback and wider horizontal range.
  •   Up tilt has more startup and ending lag and its vertical hitbox is smaller and lost its disjoint.
  •   Down tilt has been reverted to Peach's Brawl down tilt, with increased damage and knockback and a larger hitbox. Additionally, it now spikes airborne opponents.
  •   Down tilt has increased startup and ending lag.
  •   Dash attack has more range and deals increased damage and knockback.
  •   Forward smash has universally larger hitboxes and increased knockback.
  •   Up smash has larger hitboxes and its sweetspot deals increased knockback.
  •   Down smash deals increased damage and shield damage, hits more frequently, and has a lower launch angle.
  •   Down smash has reduced knockback.

Aerial attacks

  •   Neutral aerial has a larger hitbox, increased hitbox duration, and no longer has a sourspot.
  •   Back aerial has reduced landing lag and increased knockback.
  •   Up aerial has been reverted to Peach's Brawl up aerial, with increased damage and knockback and a larger hitbox.
  •   Up aerial has reduced horizontal range, can no longer combo reliably, and has increased startup and ending lag.
  •   Down aerial has larger hitboxes and deals increased damage.

Throws/other attacks

  •   All throws use Peach's original throw animations and do not utilize Toad.
  •   Forward and back throws deal increased knockback.
  •   Up throw has reduced ending lag.

Special moves

  •   Toad initiates faster and has a larger hitbox and longer duration upon activation. Additionally, it now deals increased damage.
  •   Daisy Bomber now properly snaps to ledge and will bounce vertically if used while facing a wall.
  •   Daisy Parasol travels higher and deals increased damage and knockback.
  •   Daisy is now immediately rendered helpless after Parasol's initial leap, severely reducing the move's horizontal recovery and stalling potential (though it makes the move safer out of shield.
  •   Vegetable deals reduced damage across the board.

Dark Pit


  •   Air speed is higher.

Ground attacks

  •   Forward tilt has a larger hitbox and reduced startup and ending lag.
  •   Up tilt has a larger hitbox.
  •   Down tilt has reduced ending lag.
  •   Dash attack has been reverted to Pit's Brawl dash attack, having increased horizontal reach and a lower launch angle.
  •   Dash attack has reduced vertical reach and can no longer KO due to the new angle.
  •   Forward smash deals more knockback and the first hit has increased hitstun and an altered launch angle to connect better into the second.
  •   Up smash has larger hitboxes.
  •   Down smash has increased knockback and transitions faster between hits.

Aerial attacks

  •   All aerials have reduced landing lag.
  •   Neutral and up aerials have significantly larger hitboxes and their loop hits have increased hitstun to help them connect better.
  •   Forward aerial has been reverted to Pit's Brawl forward aerial, dealing significantly increased damage and knockback.
  •   Foward aerial has reduced range and increased startup and ending lag.
  •   Back aerial has a larger hitbox and its sourspots send at a lower angle with increased knockback.
  •   Down aerial has a larger hitbox, reduced startup and ending lag, and increased spike duration and knockback.

Throws/other attacks

  •   Back and up throws deal increased knockback.

Special moves

  •   Silver Bow deals increased damage and knockback and travels significantly faster.
  •   Electroshock Arm reflects projectiles at a horizontal angle, has reduced startup and ending lag, sweetspots ledge properly, and travels farther.
  •   Power of Flight travels significantly faster, has reduced startup lag, and can now be arced like Lucario's Extreme Speed.

Dark Samus


  •   Dark Samus can now hover a moderate distance by holding the jump button.

Ground attacks

  •   Neutral attack now transitions properly to its second hit and said second hit has reduced ending lag.
  •   Forward tilt has reduced startup and ending lag.
  •   Dash attack has increased range and reduced startup and ending lag.
  •   Forward smash has reduced ending lag and the sweet spot is larger and has increased knockback.
  •   Up smash has significantly larger hitboxes and its loop hits have increased hitstun to help them connect better.
  •   Down smash has reduced startup and ending lag and increased knockback.

Aerial attacks

  •   All aerials have reduced landing lag.
  •   Neutral aerial has reduced ending lag and transitions faster between hits.
  •   Forward and up aerial's loop hits have altered angles and increased hitstun to help them connect better.
  •   Back aerial has reduced startup and ending lag.
  •   Down aerial no longer has sour spots.

Throws/other attacks

  •   Up and down throws have reduced ending lag.

Special moves

  •   Fully charged Charge Shot no longer has extra ending lag.
  •   Charge Shot has reduced shieldstun and hitlag and deals less knockback on high charge levels.
  •   Charge Shot, Missile, and Bomb have reduced priority.
  •   Missiles travel faster and Super Missiles have increased knockback.
  •   Screw Attack travels farther, has a higher launch angle, deals increased damage and knockback, has larger hitboxes, and the loop hits have increased hitstun and altered angles to help them connect better.
  •   Bomb gives an increased vertical boost when it explodes on Samus.
  •   Bomb has increased ending lag.

Diddy Kong


Ground attacks

  •   All ground attacks have larger hitboxes.
  •   Forward tilt has reduced startup and ending lag.
  •   Up tilt has an altered animation and reduced ending lag.
  •   Down tilt deals increased knockback.
  •   Dash attack has reduced ending lag and knockback scaling.
  •   Forward smash transitions faster between hits and the first hit deals increased hitstun and has an altered launch angle to help it connect better.
  •   Up smash deals increased knockback.
  •   Down smash has a lower launch angle and increased knockback.

Aerial attacks

  •   Neutral aerial has reduced ending lag.
  •   Forward, back, and up aerials have increased knockback.
  •   Back aerial has larger hitboxes.
  •   Up aerial has larger hitboxes and reduced ending lag.
  •   Down aerial has larger hitboxes and reduced startup, ending, and landing lag.

Throws/other attacks

  •   Forward and back throws deal increased knockback.
  •   Down throw has reduced ending lag and knockback scaling.

Special moves

  •   Peanut Popgun has reduced startup and ending lag and travels faster. Additionally, the explosion deals increased damage, knockback, and shield damage.
  •   Monkey Flip has increased ending lag and deals less damage.
  •   Rocketbarrel Boost travels higher and Diddy can act sooner if he is hit out of it.
  •   Banana lingers for a shorter period of time if left on the ground.

Donkey Kong


  •   Donkey Kong has higher air acceleration.

Ground attacks

  •   Neutral attack has reduced startup and ending lag and deals increased damage.
  •   Forward tilt deals increased damage.
  •   Up tilt has reduced ending lag and larger hitboxes.
  •   Up smash has larger hitboxes.
  •   Down smash has reduced ending lag and deals increased knockback.

Aerial attacks

  •   Neutral, forward, and down aerials have reduced startup, ending, and landing lag.
  •   Neutral, back, and up aerials have larger hitboxes.
  •   Down aerial no longer has sourspots.

Throws/other attacks

  •   Up and down throws have reduced ending lag and knockback scaling.

Special moves

  •   Giant Punch and Headbutt no longer have sourspots.
  •   Aerial Headbutt deals significantly increased knockback.
  •   Aerial Spinning Kong travels faster and farther and has increased intangibility.
  •   Hand Slap has reduced ending lag, larger hitboxes, the grounded version now hits aerial opponents, and the first hit of the aerial version and the first hit deals increased hitstun and has an altered launch angle to help it connect better.

Dr. Mario


  •   The base multiplier on Dr. Mario's mobility stats has increased across the board, effectively improving all aspects of his mobility.

Ground attacks

  •   Up tilt deals increased damage and has a larger hitbox with reduced ending lag.
  •   Down tilt has reduced ending lag and the sourspot launches at a more inward angle.
  •   Dash attack has reduced ending lag and knockback scaling.
  •   Down smash has reduced ending lag and larger hitboxes.

Aerial attacks

  •   Forward and down aerials have reduced startup, ending, and landing lag and have lost both of their sour spots.
  •   Up aerial has increased base knockback, with knockback scaling compensated. Additionally, the late hit is now a semi-spike.

Throws/other attacks

  •   Forward and up throws have increased knockback scaling, with base knockback compensated.

Special moves

  •   Super Sheet has a larger hitbox and reduced startup and ending lag.
  •   Super Jump Punch has increased base knockback, with knockback scaling compensated.
  •   Dr. Tornado's armor now enacts in the air and has been changed to super armor. Additionally, it has reduced startup and ending lag and will restore if Dr. Mario is hit out of the move before its completion.
  •   Dr. Tornado has less knockback scaling.

Fuck Cunt

  • nothing
  • this character doesn't deserve shit



  •   Air speed is higher, now exceeding Fox's.

Ground attacks

  •   Neutral infinite has larger hitboxes.
  •   Forward tilt has reduced ending lag.
  •   Up tilt's first hit has increased hitstun and an altered launch angle to help it connect better.
  •   Down tilt has a larger hitbox.
  •   Dash attack has increased range and a lower launch angle.
  •   Forward smash's sweetspot has a larger hitbox and has been moved forward on the move.
  •   Up smash has an additional hitbox on startup in the same manner as Fox's to help it connect against small opponents, larger hitboxes, and the first hit has increased hitstun and an altered launch angle to help it connect more reliably.
  •   Down smash has reduced ending lag.

Aerial attacks

  •   Neutral and forward aerials have larger hitboxes and the loop hits have increased hitstun and altered launch angles to help them connect more reliably.
  •   Forward aerial has reduced ending and landing lag.
  •   Back aerial has larger hitboxes with reduced ending and landing lag.
  •   Back aerial has reduced knockback scaling.
  •   Up aerial has reduced ending lag and larger hitboxes.
  •   Up aerial has a higher launch angle.
  •   Down aerial has reduced startup, ending, and landing lag with larger hitboxes.
  •   Down aerial has a shorter hitbox duration.
  •   Down aerial no longer has sourspots.

Throws/other attacks

  •   Forward throw has increased knockback.
  •   Back and up throws now have Falco fire the laser as he's throwing them, removing the possibility to DI out of them and making them more consistent.
  •   Up throw has reduced ending lag.
  •   Down throw has a higher launch angle and reduced knockback scaling.

Special moves

  •   Blaster can now be fired repeatedly by holding down the B button.
  •   Falco Phantasm has reduced startup and ending lag.
  •   Fire Bird has reduced startup lag, travels faster and farther, deals increased knockback, has larger hitboxes, transitions faster between hits, and the initial hits have increased hitstun with altered launch angles to help them connect more reliably.
  •   Reflector now guarantees a trip on grounded opponents and has reduced ending lag.



Ground attacks

  •   Up and down tilts have reduced ending lag.
  •   Down tilt has a higher launch angle.
  •   Dash attack has increased base knockback, with knockback scaling compensated.
  •   Forward smash has larger hitboxes.
  •   Down smash has reduced ending lag.

Aerial attacks

  •   Forward aerial has reduced ending and landing lag, deals increased damage, has larger hitboxes, grants an increased hover if used after jumping, and the loop hits have increased hitstun and altered launch angles that let them both connect more reliably and drag opponents down more reliably.
  •   Back aerial has reduced ending and landing lag, larger hitboxes, and deals increased knockback scaling.
  •   Up aerial has larger hitboxes, transitions faster between hits, and the first hit has increased hitstun and an altered launch angle to help it connect more reliably.
  •   Down aerial has larger hitboxes, reduced landing lag, and the final hit is now a spike with increased damage and knockback.

Throws/other attacks

  •   Forward, back, and up throws have increased knockback.
  •   Back and up throws now have Fox fire the laser as he's throwing them, removing the possibility to DI out of them and making them more consistent.
  •   Up throw has reduced ending lag.
  •   Down throw has a higher launch angle and reduced knockback scaling.

Special moves

  •   Blaster can now be fired repeatedly by holding down the B button.
  •   Blaster has reduced startup and ending lag.
  •   Fox Illusion has reduced startup and ending lag.
  •   Fire Fox has reduced startup lag, travels faster and farther, deals increased knockback, has larger hitboxes, transitions faster between hits, and the initial hits have increased hitstun with altered launch angles to help them connect more reliably.
  •   Reflector deals increased knockback and now semi-spikes on contact.



  •   Air speed is higher.
  •   Air acceleration is higher.
  •   Jump is higher.
  •   Falling speed is faster.

Ground attacks

  •   Neutral attack has reduced startup and ending lag and a larger hitbox.
  •   Up tilt has a larger hitbox, can now be shield cancelled, no longer has sourspots, and deals increased knockback.
  •   Down tilt has reduced startup and ending lag and increased knockback.

Aerial attacks

  •   Neutral aerial has larger hitboxes, transitions faster between hits, has reduced landing lag, and the first hit has increased hitstun with an altered launch angle to help it connect better.
  •   Back aerial has a larger hitbox.
  •   Up aerial has larger hitboxes, a longer hitbox duration with ending lag compensated, reduced landing lag, and increased damage on the late hit with knockback scaling compensated.
  •   Down aerial deals increased damage and knockback and has reduced landing lag.
  •   Down aerial no longer has sourspots.

Throws/other attacks

  •   Forward, back, and up throws have increased knockback.
  •   Down throw has reduced ending lag and knockback scaling.

Special moves

  •   Warlock Punch has increased damage and knockback.
  •   Flame Choke has reduced startup and ending lag, travels farther, no longer induces helplessness, and Ganondorf can now manually release opponents in midair by pressing B.
  •   Dark Dive travels faster and farther and the late hit has a larger hitbox, increased knockback, and a longer duration.
  •   Wizard's Foot has less startup, ending, and landing lag, travels faster while grounded, and now restores Ganondorf's midair jump if used while airborne. It also sweetspots the ledge and has a higher launch angle if used while grounded.

