Your edits

Hello! I'd recommend you take a look at SW:MOS and SW:TRIVIA, as your recent edits have been violating both of these and have been reverted as a result. In particular, please try to avoid overly-specific "qualifier" trivia, and please try to stick to a encyclopedia manner of writing (don't use informal terms such as "furry", and don't use opinionated terms such as "obscure"). Thanks! ~ StrawberryChan (talk) 21:52, March 6, 2021 (EST)

Additionally, it is heavily preferred to avoid adding any trivia that talks about the "human" side of the roster, considering "humans" make up nearly half of the roster, anyway.
Also, the trivia you added on Mega Man's page is uninteresting since there were only two third-party fighters at the time of his reveal.
And finally, to further explain on what Straweberry meant by using the term "furry"; it's fine to use that word as an adjective, but not as a noun to refer to animal characters with human-like traits (a more formal term to use would be "anthropomorphic animal").