Character info
Brawl main Falco
Team info
Crew(s) ITC
Personal and other info
Real name JJ
Location Shoreline, WA United States
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Professional
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Nerd is a Washington Falco main who is currently ranked #3 on the Washington Power Ranking, while steadily moving up due to a constant increase in performance. Nerd is also a part of the Shoreline crew ITC (In-Tents Camping)


  • Sleeps with Toobusytocare before every tourney
  • Famous for his "Nerd Training" technique
  • The infamous "Nerd Dance" can bring puppies back to life.
  • Nerd is the coolest ninja in the village
  • Has beaten many notable players in money and tournament matches including Leepuff, Valdens, Praxis, and Jem.

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