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Japanese.png This page is part of SW:1226. The original page is located here.
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Updated July 10, 2001

The bounty hunter, Samus Aran.
In the end, the only game she appeared in on the Nintendo 64 was Smash…
But, the quality this time around is very different.

For her new special move "Missile", by adjusting the analog input of the stick, you can choose between firing weaker homing missiles, or missiles that are stronger but only travel in a straight line.
(Maybe I should make the stronger missiles "Super Missiles"…)

What do you think of the Samus's moves in the images below?
Isn't it just like "Metroid"?!

Samus SSBM.jpg

SW:1226 Note
Descriptions from images in this gallery are written here instead of on individual pages.
SSBMWebsiteSamus1.jpg Samus'bforwardmove.jpg Samus'bmove.jpg
Samus! Missile! Charge Shot!
Melee morph ball.jpg Samus'bupmove.jpg Melee Grapple Beam.jpg
Bomb! Now you can Bomb Jump! Screw Attack! Grappling Beam!

(Screenshots under development)

Table of Samus's special moves
Normal special move Charge Shot
Side special move Missile
Up special move Screw Attack
Down special move Bomb
