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Team info
Crew(s) Imperial Era
Personal and other info
Real name Ulysses
Location New York United states
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other intermediate
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Started to play melee with learning and useing all the techs in the spring of 2006. He First started out as Peach when learning to play the way smashers do now. and since then would always play as Peach. Never one time would he use other characters against friends or the CPU. Later in the summer of 2006. He became attached to Zelda. So he decided to use her more. He hardly uses her at times but now decides to use her ever so often. but not as much as Peach. Since that time in the summer. Dark.Pch acustom to Peach so much that he lacks the ability to play with other characters. can"t figure out how to use them. Or how to put mindgames in them. And loses 97% the matches with them. Only character he is ok with is Zelda. But his skill level with Zelda is not as high as Peach. or near it. So for this case he can't function with any other character he plays with. No matter how much he tries and watches others. he cant pull it off. Seems thats what happens from the start when you only use one person and ignore the others. Its like you just started playing smash all over again. His Peach is pretty good. Is now attending more tournies and is taking the advice he gets seriously. And cause of it is improving faster then expected. maybe too fast?. who knows. He is more than a smash player. he is an artist that loves to draw and create his own manga/anime. His work that he is known for by friends is called "Dark X" series. Only tourny he has ever won was a small one at a college called " Polytechnic" in New York City. It was no prize money and it was free to enter. it was for anime prizes. Fought a member from a crew called DA inthe tourny. very skilled and tough pikachu. but manage to take the win in the finals thus Dark.Pch taking first place in the tournament. He works hard to try his best to go far in offically tournies maybe even win one. Only time can tell. Has many vids on youtube so you can check how he started to the way he is today. Videos of Dark.Pch are always added. so you can always keep an eye on him if you wish. to see how he is playing.

Strong points

Can be creative with Peach comboes at times.and half the time can be unpredictable. In matches he may do stupid and random things for a mindgame. and make it look obvious. but he uses it to throw people off and it works wonders for him. He is also know for his Up smash and grab mindgames. with the up smash he will make it so obvious that people see him chargeing it and yet they will jump right into it. its not as simple as it sounds but the way he sets it up, people have no choice but at times to go into the attack. aslo if he knows where they will go, he can pinpoint the movement of the person to then hit them with an upsmash. His grab mindgames are just as good. He will grab you in ways you dont see it coming. and when its least expected. wether on the ground or air. His grab mindgames and grab combos are something to look out for. Thus giving him the title "king of grabs" and "Upsmash God" is creative with weird and unusual mindgames. Which at times players dont know what to do at that point in time or what to expect. Even impresses his friends/crew when making up mindgames like this and makes it works in ways that they never saw coming.

Weak Points

He can be comboed at times pretty easy. Not cause he uses Peach. but cause he is not all that well at DI'ing simple attack and other combos. It leads him to hard battles for if he were to learn to DI well and escape comboes, the fights would be less stressful.H ecant tell where to much or how to much at times. He also has problems teching on the ground when stuned and falling. which leads to more trouble and getting attacked or comboed worst. Tech skills are ok but not all that great to hold his ground on advance players. Mindgames is what he depends on most if he want to win most of his fights. Tech skills wont get him too far in battles. also is at times a lil to predictable. happens most when is not focus or is a lil tired in smash.

How Dark.Pch got his name

Even though He only uses Peach and Zelda. For all characters in the game, even Peaches counters, he will always use Peach for the case no matter what. Never counter Pick a stage or character. fo no reason at all. wether at a tournament or not. And to suit his name, he uses tha Peach in the daisy suit. makes sense right? Its his offical color. He uses others from time to time.But when needed to play serious or wants too, he will use his offical color in a match(s) Thus stating and representing his giving and respected name "Dark.Pch"

For those that may not know or wonder for some reason, Pch is short for Peach

Worst match ups

Smash Idols

Dark.Pch is inspired by these three players and does what he can to try and be just like them by watching thier videos and learning from them.

Videos Of Dark.Pch


Imperial Era Combo Videos


Imperial Era The way it was in the summer or 2006

Imperial Era 2Thew way it is today