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12TPMainTitle.gif Last updated February 4, 2000



Symbol of the Smash Bros. series.77 Secret Techniques of the Smash Bros. DOJO!!
The 12 ChallengersSymbol of the Smash Bros. series.
Symbol of the Smash Bros. series.Perfect Operation Manual
The 1-Player Game!Symbol of the Smash Bros. series.
Symbol of the Smash Bros. series.The Battlefields
Symbol of the Smash Bros. series.Item Room
Symbol of the Smash Bros. series.Time Attack
Symbol of the Smash Bros. series.List of Unlockables
Survey Results!!

written by Masahiro Sakurai : HAL laboratory,inc.
"Super Smash Bros." (C):1999 NINTENDO/HAL laboratory,inc.
**Character(C): NINTENDO/HAL laboratory,inc./Creatures.inc./GAME FREAK.inc.