Forum:Final Smash that you think needs to be changed

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Forums: Index Brawl Talk Final Smash that you think needs to be changed

Yeah, you know it by the title. Since best FS has been talked, now it's the worst!So, what yours? I think Volt Tackle need to be changed...Kirbythe KirbyHeadSSBB.png Amazing 22:08, 16 March 2011 (EDT)

Kirby's final smash is by far the worst in the game. Extremely low knockback, rarely killing a single character, poor range, and often gives poor items. Mr. Anon (talk) 22:50, 16 March 2011 (EDT)
I would contend Donkey Kong's is worse. Kirby's still KOs at the 75% range, so extremely low knockback is an exaggeration, and its range is decent as well. Plus if in range, precise timing is needed to avoid it. DK's on the other hand, may not even kill at 150% with the strongest hitboxes of the attack. And with DK just in the same place, moving to one of the stage to completely avoid it is possible on a large amount of stages. Not to mention that if you screw up timing, DK's final smash becomes near useless. Overall, each wave does light damage, have above average knockback at its strongest even for just a normal attack, and are relatively easy to dodge unless cramped.
I'll also say the Ice Climbers have a worse final smash, as while Kirby's can accomplish something, theirs never kills, does mediocre damage, and disrupts them too from fighting properly. Even its trophy recognises it as a terrible final smash. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 23:51, 16 March 2011 (EDT)
Ice Climbers barely have any use for their Final Smash, which may end up saving the opponent and screwing your recovery as the Ice Climbers. MegaTron1XD:p 00:04, 17 March 2011 (EDT)
Ice Climbers final smash may be bad, but when an opponent has just spawned it can be used to gain some easy damage to score a KO, ROB's final smash is powerful and can rack up damage but once and opponent is knocked away from the strong hit of ROB's Diffusion Beam, an opponent can easily evade the rest of the final smash because of ROB's average running speed, average air speed and floatiness.--Shaun's Wiji Dodo talk Untitled-1 copy.gif 04:18, 17 March 2011 (EDT)
Depends on the stage. Most stages, unless you're one of the few characters who could camp offstage, such as MK or Jigglypuff, you won't have the room to escape R.O.B. If you're on Temple however, or any stage that allows circle camping, you could evade it with ease. Oh, and R.O.B.'s dashing speed is actually slightly above average, so he can outrun a large amount of the cast. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 04:34, 17 March 2011 (EDT)
Most characters with a slow dashing speed have a great air speed, except for a few (Ganondorf etc...) which could outrun ROB. Another bad final smash that hasn't been mentioned yet would be Jigglypuff's, almost everyone can evade this final smash, only on small maps is it useful unless it is in the air because anyone can grab a ledge.--Shaun's Wiji Dodo talk Untitled-1 copy.gif 05:10, 17 March 2011 (EDT)
Not really, and you're overestimating how fast characters go with their air speed. Even Jigglypuff's air speed wouldn't overtake R.O.B.'s dashing speed, and you're not factoring in that characters can't stay in the air indefinitely. So no, those characters would be overtaken by a dashing R.O.B. with his final smash if they even had the stage room to possibly evade the entire final smash through running away. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 05:28, 17 March 2011 (EDT)
There is dodges. dodges can be used to evade Diffusion Beam as well, also if a character did jump into the air and a ROB were to follow, the character's fast fall will land faster than ROB's except a few characters, there are many ways to evade the Diffusion Beam including simple tether recoveries.--Shaun's Wiji Dodo talk Untitled-1 copy.gif 05:46, 17 March 2011 (EDT)
No, the dodges wouldn't be able to evade well at all. With his final smash producing a continuously lasting hitbox, once the character's invincibility frames go away, they'll be getting damaged by his final smash. If the character jumps, R.O.B. can wait for them to land, then they will be getting hit again. And tethers would be terrible, R.O.B. can simply jump down facing the stage, and end up stage spiking the characters trying to use their tether to plank. His floatiness and up b will also aid in this as well.
R.O.B.'s Diffusion Beam is without a doubt, one of the most difficult final smashes to evade completely, and I don't see how you could argue against it. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 06:00, 17 March 2011 (EDT)
The Wiki page here on Diffusion Beam even says that it is one of the most easily avoided final smashes in the game, the beam can be perfect sheilded than rolled out of, the beam is almost useless in the air except for one character i have found it very effective against which is Samus, any character that has a Zair as well as an up B recovery can avoid the whole final smash by edge hogging and rising up to the stage if the ROB pursues the character off the stage, anyone who can stay in the air for long (except samus) by floatiness or multiple jumps can avoid the final smash by air dodging and grabbing a ledge to restore jumps and anyone who has a fast running speed can avoid the final smash by running, camping than repeat. Most of Brawls characters fit into these catagories which make the final smash very hard to use.--Shaun's Wiji Dodo talk Untitled-1 copy.gif 06:22, 17 March 2011 (EDT)