Forum:Tier list unfarity?

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Forums: Index Brawl Talk Tier list unfarity?

The tier list is unfair because only the popular characters get good strategies and combos sent to smash back room. Also slower and more powerfull characters seem to be prejudiced against. People exagerate their weakness and ignore their stengths. They also make lies about their recovery abilities. It was because of unfair tiers that Roy didn't return in Brawl. The idiots who hated powerful characters killed Roy. Roy wasn't that slow and his recovery wasn't really that worse from Marth's. --Tuth (talk) 15:34, October 1, 2009 (UTC)

It's a good thing that no means the same thing in multiple languages, because it will save me time typing it in all of them. Because that's the answer to your topic: NO. We've had this discussion many times before, and we've also proved that tiers exist. As for your comment that "only the popular characters get good strategies and combos sent to smash back room," do you even know how this work? The SBR doesn't passively wait for people to submit combos. 99.99% of the SBR are professional players who don't give a damn about how popular a character is. They care who gives them the best opportunity to win. So what do they do, they play all the characters to determine who gives them the best chance to win. If you want to take your "popularity argument," I'd argue that as people like to win, the top tier characters become the most popular. So the popularity of top tier characters is caused by the tier list much more that the popularity of a character causes it to be top tier. And as I always say, if you really believe that a character should be higher tier, go play in some big tourneys and win with those characters, then tell me about their tier. Oh, and the tier list had nothing to do with Roy not being in Brawl. Kirby came back, and he sucked in Melee. Clarinet Hawk (talk · contributions) 21:33, October 1, 2009 (UTC)
Thanks for voting but you didn't exactly prove me wrong. In fact when you said "if you really believe that a character should be higher tier, go play in some big tourneys and win with those characters, then tell me about their tier" you proved me right. If proffesionals would win a few tournaments with Ganondorf, Ganondorf would go up on the Tier List. And how do we know SBR does things fairly. All 3 fan favorite characters are high up on the list. And so what if pro-tier won on a different discussion? It dosen't mean anti-tier can't win on this one. As for Roy, I might as well shut up about him since this is Brawl talk and he isn't in Brawl. The biggest thing about the tiers is that their supposed to be how good professionals do at the characters. But even professionals can have different play styles. THERE ISN'T ONLY ONE "PROFESSIONAL" PLAY STYLE. No offense, tiers, but you got owned.
Conclusion: While the pro-tierers have good arguments, anti-tierers win overall. The main problem proven about the tiers are that there is not one proffesional play style. --Tuth (talk) 15:36, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
Errr... no? I'm not normally this harsh, but your argument deserves it: epic fail - your whole argument is just so much epic fail. Your original argument was beyond weak, Clarinet Hawk's response was logical and made sense, and your response to his comment was once again beyond weak - you have no right to claim that you've won this argument, especially seeing as I would say that you've lost, and you've lost bad. Firstly, when he said "go play in some big tourneys and win with those characters" he meant that you wouldn't win the tourneys, and the reason why you wouldn't win is because the big tourneys are all won by high tier characters, simply because they're better than the low tier characters. Secondly, if a certain play style with a certain character is effective in tournaments, other smashers will try to copy it - even though Ken came up with the Ken Combo, every Marth player in the world ended up learning it, simply because it's really effective. Thirdly, anti-tier fails in every argument, and pro-tier wins - the existence of tiers is a fact of life that you just have to come to terms with at some point. Read this and then this and if you still don't agree with the existence of tiers, then I'm afraid that no one can help you as they are both quite clear arguments for the existence of tiers to which there are no logical counter-arguments. PenguinofDeath 16:27, October 5, 2009 (UTC)

"If proffesionals would win a few tournaments with Ganondorf, Ganondorf would go up on the Tier List." Yes, that is true. The problem is it won't happen. If ganon was good, he'd be played by the best players and would win tourneys. The problem is that he isn't and he won't. Also, considering you didn't ever respond to anything else, and your only argument put forth was crap, you lose. And as for there being different professional play styles, who gives a damn? The fact of the matter is that we're looking at which characters consistently place the highest and do the best. Even if, and notice I say if, your argument about there being diverse play styles is correct, that doesn't change the fact that certain characters still do better in tourneys than others. That is a fact; I don't care if you like it or not. Oh, and please don't give me this whiny shit that you want the pros to prove you right by playing Ganon and winning. I can guarantee you that they would kick your ass with him, but their not going to put their money on the line just to prove you right, which I doubt they could do. If you want to prove your point, then go do it yourself. Basically what you're saying here is equivalent to saying "I think if someone created a shot that vaccinated AIDS, that would be a great medical breakthrough. Therefore, I have cured AIDS." tl;dr version: You're wrong, I'm right. Clarinet Hawk (talk · contributions) 23:20, October 5, 2009 (UTC)

To be fair, referencing your earlier comment (C. Hawk), no one can really "prove" that tiers "exist". Characters are better then others IMO, but there is no way to actually "prove" that. Also, referencing PoD, I would not by any means say that anti-tier-ist's lose in EVERY argument. Valid points can be brought up on their part, but in this argument, it's clear that pro-tier comes out the winner. In any case, a weak argument on the anti-tier guy here was pretty clear, and I'm sure we're all sick of hearing how they don't exist or how they do. The fact of the matter is that most professionals believe in tiers and most abide by the tier lists. No one will ever simply "prove" that they exist, (unless some kind of official list is put out by Nintendo which is just not going to happen) and to say that no character development is the cause of characters being low on the tier list is silly because if popular characters are so high, do explain why Sonic and Ike are below "B" ranking. They are popular yet are low on said tier, and there are unpopular characters high up as well, such as G&W, Lucario, and I may go far enough to say Wario. tl;dr, Your never going to win a tier argument with those "points" and you'll simply be made a fool of. Maybe next time it could be a different story, but for now, tiers exist, end of story. Kperfekt BURN!!! Revert That! 11:07, October 6, 2009 (UTC)