Torrential Roar
Corrin Screen 7.jpg
The dragon transformation.
User Corrin
Universe Fire Emblem

Torrential Roar (激流咆, Raging Stream Roar) is Corrin's Final Smash.

Corrin partially transforms into his dragon form, punching his fist down and causing two yellow geysers of light to erupt on both sides (Male Corrin says "Out of the way!" while female Corrin will say "This ends here!").

Any opponents hit by the attack will get transported to a mountain-filled area, where Corrin in his full dragon form, then fires a large whirlpool to drown his targets away and cause them to suffer massive knockback when the attack is over.

The Final Smash deals a total of 40% damage—5% from the initial shockwave, and 35% from the resultant whirlpool.


Similarly to Ike's Great Aether, this move is unique to the Super Smash Bros. series, never making any appearance in Fire Emblem. However, this move may hold some inspiration from Azura, the main female protagonist in Fire Emblem Fates, who has the ability to use hydrokinesis to great lengths with the power of her necklace. This ability is notable in a cutscene from both the Birthright and Conquest path, where she used her water manipulation skills to exorcise the evil force controlling King Garon. It may also be related to Corrin's father Anankos' ability to manipulate water, which apparently Corrin inherited, as in his dragon form, water flows from his feet during the cinematic battle of Fire Emblem: Fates.

Trophy description

Torrential Roar trophy in for Wii U.

Corrin blasts two columns of light on either side. If one hits an enemy, Corrin transforms into a fearsome dragon and unleashes a maelstrom that launches anyone unlucky enough to be caught. The light columns shoot straight up for a short moment, so using this move high up after knocking or throwing opponents overhead is very effective!
