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At the core of the Pokémon franchise are hundreds upon hundreds of the eponymous creatures. These are collectively called Pokémon and have many roles in the Pokémon RPGs, mainly as game pieces in Pokémon battling where the object is to defeat the opponent's enemy Pokémon with your own. Pokémon are introduced en masse once every several years as part of a new "Generation" of the franchise, along with the newest handheld RPG versions. Thus far there have been a total of four generations, with the grand total of species clocking in at 493 separate characters, and each Smash Bros. game features a selected assortment of Pokémon from all current generations existent at its time to serve a variety of roles, such as playable character, character that is summoned from an item called the Poké Ball, collectible trophy or sticker, background characters in stages, and others.

All listed Pokémon that are bolded have the major roles of being playable characters or appearing from a Poké Ball item. All that are not linked at all are barely glimpsed in the games.

First Generation

The Pokémon franchise began stateside in 1998 with 151 Pokémon species featured in the very first versions of the Pokémon RPGs, Pokémon Red and Blue for the original Game Boy. This was the only generation in effect when Super Smash Bros. was developed and released.

Pokémon No. Description. Appearances
Bulbasaur 001 A small squat quadrupedal lizard with a plant-like bulb growing out of its back. A trophy in SSBM and SSBB.
Ivysaur 002 A larger lizard-like quadruped whose bulb has begun flowering. A playable character as part of Pokémon Trainer in SSBB.
Venusaur 003 A massive quadruped with a fully blossomed flower. A stage Pokémon in Saffron City in SSB, and a Poké Ball Pokémon, stage Pokémon in Poké Floats, and trophy in SSBM.
Charmander 004 A small bipedal red lizard with a flame on the tip of its tail. A stage Pokémon in Saffron City in SSB and a trophy in SSBB.
Charizard 006 An orange dragon of charismatic fire breathing ability. A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB, a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM, and a playable character as part of Pokémon Trainer in SSBB.
Squirtle 007 A small blue bipedal turtle who can attack with water. A stage Pokémon in Poké Floats and trophy in SSBM, and a playable character as part of Pokémon Trainer in SSBB.
Blastoise 009 A large blue bipedal turtle who can shoot water out of its back cannons. A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM.
Butterfree 012 A somewhat anthropomorphic large butterfly with distinctive hands and feet. A stage Pokémon flying far in the background in Saffron City in SSB.
Beedrill 015 A four-legged hornet with stingers on its forearms as well as its abdomen. A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB.
Pidgey 016 A common bird Pokémon that is relatively docile. A stage Pokémon flying far in the background in Saffron City in SSB.
Fearow 022 A large bird with a long neck, long beak, and great wings. A stage Pokémon flying far in the background in Saffron City in SSB.
Pikachu 025 A yellow mouse with red cheeks who can store up and unleash electricity. A playable character in SSB, a playable character in SSBM, and a playable character in SSBB.
Clefairy 035 A small, pink fluffy creature who can randomly generate attacks. A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM.
Jigglypuff 039 A small, pink fluffy creature who can sing to induce hypnosis. A playable character in SSB, a playable character in SSBM, and a playable character in SSBB.
Oddish 043 A small blue plant Pokémon with green leaves on its top. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Dugtrio 051 A linked trio of moles whose undersides are always covered by the ground. A stage Pokémon in Pokémon Stadium 2 in SSBB.
Meowth 052 A cat species with one particularly notable individual being able to talk. A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB, a trophy in SSBM, and a Poké Ball Pokémon in SSBB.
Psyduck 054 A yellow duck with psychic powers who constantly suffers a splitting headache. A stage Pokémon in Poké Floats in SSBM.
Poliwhirl 061 A vaguely humanoid blue water creature with a swirl pattern on its belly. A trophy in SSBM.
Abra 063 A small psychic mystic whose eyes are constantly closed. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Machop 066 A young humanoid very adept at karate. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Weepinbell 070 A flower Pokémon resembling the head of a flycatcher flower. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Geodude 074 A rocky head with attached arms, that can float around. A stage Pokémon in Poké Floats in SSBM.
Slowpoke 079 A small, dopey pink hippo-like specie that can use psychic power. A stage Pokémon in Poké Floats in SSBM.
Slowbro 080 A larger Slowpoke who has metamorphized with the Shellder on its tail. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Seel 086 A white sea lion pup with a head horn and a tongue that sticks out a lot. A stage Pokémon in Poké Floats in SSBM.
Grimer 088 A living pile of purple sludge with a face and a mind of its own. No actual appearances. However, it's infamous as an avatar in the Back Room of the Smash World Forums
Onix 095 A gigantic serpent made of rock, and one of the largest Pokémon species. A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB and a stage Pokémon in Poké Floats in SSBM.
Drowzee 096 A bipedal yellow tapir with psychic powers. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Krabby 098 A small red crab with equally-sized pincers. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Electrode 101 A large electric sphere with a face and a resemblance to the Poké Ball. A stage Pokémon in Saffron City in SSB, a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM, and a a Poké Ball Pokémon in SSBB.
Cubone 104 A little, sensitive Pokémon who wears the skull of its deceased mother. A stage Pokémon in Pokémon Stadium 2 in SSBB.
Hitmonlee 106 A human-like entity that fights with its powerful, stretchable legs. A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB.
Lickitung 108 A pink creature with a gigantic prehensile tongue. A stage Pokémon in Poké Floats in SSBM.
Koffing 109 A small floating limbless purple bag of noxious smoke. A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB.
Weezing 110 Two Koffing fused together into a bigger and badder pile. A Poké Ball Pokémon, stage Pokémon in Poké Floats, and trophy in SSBM.
Rhydon 112 A bipedal rhinoceros composed of tough rocky matter. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Chansey 113 A rare pink and kindred Pokémon who nurtures nutrutious eggs. A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB, and a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and stage Pokémon in Poké Floats in SSBM.
Goldeen 118 A small elegant goldfish with a horn on its head. A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB, a Poké Ball Pokémon, stage Pokémon in Poké Floats, and trophy in SSBM, and a Poké Ball Pokémon in SSBB.
Staryu 120 An orange starfish with psychic powers and a smooth gem at its core. A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM, and a Poké Ball Pokémon in SSBB.
Starmie 121 A larger purple starfish with psychic powers and a large gem at its core. A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB.
Electabuzz 125 A yellow humanoid with black stripes and electric powers. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Magmar 126 A red humanoid that is pretty much made entirely out of fire. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Pinsir 127 A bipedal stag beetle with two large imposing crushing horns. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Gyarados 130 A colossal, intimidating blue sea serpent of terrifying power. A trophy in SSBB.
Ditto 132 A featureless pink blob that can transform to appear as another Pokémon in the area. A (cut-out) Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM.
Eevee 133 A small fox-like Pokémon, who can evolve into many different Pokémon based on element. A trophy in SSBM.
Porygon 137 An angular duck toy-like Pokémon man-made with computer code. A stage Pokémon in Saffron City in SSB, and a stage Pokémon in Poké Floats in SSBM.
Snorlax 143 A giant lazy glutton who only eats and hibernates. A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB, and a Poké Ball Pokémon, stage Pokémon in Poké Floats, and trophy in SSBM, and a Poké Ball Pokémon in SSBB.
Articuno 144 The legendary blue bird of ice among the legendary trio of the First Generation. A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM.
Zapdos 145 The legendary yellow bird of lightning among the legendary trio of the First Generation. A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM.
Moltres 146 The legendary orange bird of fire among the legendary trio of the First Generation. A background Pokemon in SSB. A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM.
Mewtwo 150 A powerful but twisted humanoid resulting from a genetic experiment involving Mew. A playable character in SSBM.
Mew 151 A legendary, powerful, and rare feline sprite described as the evolutionary ancestor to all Pokémon. A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB, a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM, and a Poké Ball Pokémon in SSBB.

Second Generation

The Pokémon franchise entered its second generation in 2000 with 100 new Pokémon species added to the original 151 to form a total of 251 Pokémon, and all were featured in the RPGs Pokémon Gold and Silver for Game Boy Color. These two generations were in effect when Super Smash Bros. Melee was developed and released.

Pokémon No. Description. Appearances
Chikorita 152 A small girlish plant creature with a leaf on its head. A Poké Ball Pokémon, Stage Pokémon in Poké Floats and trophy in SSBM, and a Poké Ball Pokémon in SSBB.
Cyndaquil 155 A small echidna with the ability to generate fire off its back. A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM.
Totodile 158 A small blue bipedal alligator with the proclivity to dance. A trophy in SSBM.
Sentret 161 A squirrel who can stand on its own tail to keep on the lookout. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Crobat 169 A large purple bat with four wings arranged in the shape of a cross. A trophy in SSBM.
Pichu 172 An even smaller electric mouse whose inexperience causes it to damage itself at times. A playable character in SSBM.
Cleffa 173 An even younger and smaller form of Clefairy. A trophy in SSBM.
Igglybuff 174 An even younger and smaller form of Jigglypuff. A trophy in SSBM.
Togepi 175 A baby Pokémon not even broken out of its shell, it can have mysterious power. A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM, and a Poké Ball Pokémon in SSBB.
Natu 177 A tiny green psychic bird whose head is its whole body. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Bellossom 182 A small but effective flower Pokémon adept at dancing. A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM, and a Poké Ball Pokémon in SSBB.
Marill 183 A rotund little blue mouse that can use water powers. A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM.
Sudowoodo 185 An odd rocky Pokémon who attempts to disguise itself as a tree. A stage Pokémon in Poké Floats and trophy in SSBM.
Hoppip 187 A small pink Pokémon similar to Oddish but can catch the wind to fly and float about. A stage Pokémon in Pokémon Stadium 2 in SSBB.
Wooper 194 A blue, whiskered water creature with an affinity to muddy environments. A stage Pokémon in Poké Floats in SSBM.
Unown 201 A bizarre collection of heiroglyphic Pokémon that come in 26 (later 28) varieties. A Poké Ball Pokémon, stage Pokémon in Poké Floats, and trophy in SSBM.
Wobbuffet 202 A stiff blue balloon-like Pokémon that can magically reflect offenses back at its attacker. A Poké Ball Pokémon, stage Pokémon in Poké Floats, and trophy in SSBM, and a Poké Ball Pokémon in SSBB.
Pineco 204 A green pinecone with many square-shaped outgrowths. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Gligar 207 A light-purple scorpion who can fly around with its wings. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Steelix 208 A metallic snake even bigger than its pre-evolved form Onix, with a huge jaw. A trophy in SSBM.
Snubbull 209 A pink bipedal pug dog who's classified as a fairy. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Scizor 212 A red humanoid metallic mantis with crab-like pincers for hands. A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM.
Heracross 214 A blue bipedal rhinoceros beetle with a tough and impressive horn. A trophy in SSBM.
Ursaring 217 A lumbering bipedal bear with a circle pattern on its torso. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Skarmory 227 A bird who is mostly comprised of silvery metal. A stage Pokémon in Pokémon Stadium 2 in SSBB.
Phanpy 231 A small playful blue elephant that doesn't quite know its own power. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Porygon2 233 The smoother form of Porygon, and hence more powerful. A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM.
Elekid 239 A small electric Pokémon with a pair of power conduits growing out of its head. Glimpsed in SSBM's opening FMV.
Raikou 243 The legendary yellow beast of lightning among the legendary trio of the Second Generation. A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM.
Entei 244 The legendary red beast of fire among the legendary trio of the Second Generation. A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM, and a Poké Ball Pokémon in SSBB.
Suicune 245 The legendary blue beast of water among the legendary trio of the Second Generation. A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM, and a Poké Ball Pokémon in SSBB.
Lugia 249 The legendary dragon-like beast of the seas. A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM, and a Poké Ball Pokémon in SSBB.
Ho-oh 250 The legendary phoenix-like bird of rainbows. A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM, and a Poké Ball Pokémon in SSBB.
Celebi 251 The rare and legendary green insectoid sprite residing in forests. A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSBM, and a Poké Ball Pokémon in SSBB.

Third Generation

The Pokémon franchise entered its third generation in 2003 with 135 new Pokémon species added to the previous 251 to form a total of 386 Pokémon, and all were first featured in the RPGs Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire for Game Boy Advance. Ironically, this generation's first appearance in a Smash Bros. game, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, is also the first appearance of the fourth generation that was put in effect an entire four years later.

Pokémon No. Description. Appearances
Treecko 252 A small green bipedal gecko lizard with grass powers. A trophy in SSBB.
Torchic 255 A small orange wingless chick that can breathe fire to a degree. A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in SSBB.
Blaziken 256 The fully evolved form of Torchic: A very humanlike bird warrior with blazing fire powers and martial arts. A trophy in SSBB.
Mudkip 258 A small blue quadrupedal mudskipper fish with water powers. A trophy in SSBB.
Gardevoir 282 A feminine humanoid Pokémon with great psychic powers. A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in SSBB.
Plusle 311 A small electric mouse very similar to Pichu but with red parts and representing positive electric charge. Counterpart to Minun. Part of a trophy in SSBB.
Minun 312 A small electric mouse very similar to Pichu but with blue parts and representing negative electric charge. Counterpart to Plusle. Part of a trophy in SSBB.
Gulpin 316 A small, blobby light-green Pokémon that is described as being a stomach, and thus can swallow anything its own size. A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in SSBB.
Snorunt 361 A small orange cone-shaped Pokemon with visible teeth and powers of ice. A stage Pokémon in Pokémon Stadium 2 and a trophy in SSBB.
Metagross 376 A huge mechanical four-legged arachnid comprised of a fusion of two of its earlier form Metang. A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in SSBB.
Latias 380 A legendary red-white dragon-like bird who's the female counterpart to Latios. Part of a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in SSBB.
Latios 381 A legendary blue-white dragon-like bird who's the male counterpart to Latias. Part of a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in SSBB.
Kyogre 382 The legendary blue winged whale that personifies the torrential oceans. A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in SSBB.
Groudon 383 The legendary red rocky behemoth that personifies the land and dryness. A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in SSBB.
Rayquaza 384 The legendary green serpentine dragon that personifies the sky. Is a boss opponent in the Subspace Emissary, and a trophy and sticker in SSBB.
Jirachi 385 A small, legendary sprite-like Pokémon that sleeps for 1,000 years and grants wishes like a genie while it is awake. A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in SSBB.
Deoxys 386 A legendary humanoid extraterrestrial who can change between several configurations. A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in SSBB.

Fourth Generation

The Pokémon franchise entered its most recent generation in 2007 with 107 more new Pokémon species added to the previous 386 to form the current grand total of 493 Pokémon species, and all are featured in the newest Pokémon RPGs, Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Pokemon Platinum for Nintendo DS. Both this and the previous generation make their Super Smash Bros. debut in Brawl.

Pokémon No. Description. Appearances
Turtwig 387 A small green turtle can use grass powers. A trophy in SSBB.
Chimchar 390 A small red ape that can use fire powers. A trophy in SSBB.
Piplup 393 A small blue penguin that can use water powers. A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in SSBB.
Starly 396 A common starling Pokémon found all throughout the fourth generation's Sinnoh region. A trophy in SSBB.
Drifloon 425 A small ghostly balloon with diminutive legs. A stage Pokémon in Pokémon Stadium 2 and a trophy in SSBB.
Buneary 427 A small brown bipedal rabbit in fluffy tan fur patches. A trophy in SSBB.
Bonsly 438 The pre-evolution of Sudowoodo; a small rocky Pokémon arranged as a bonsai tree. A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in SSBB.
Munchlax 446 The younger form of Snorlax; as much of a glutton but much more hyperactive. A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in SSBB.
Riolu 447 A small bipedal jackal-like Pokémon. A trophy in SSBB.
Lucario 448 A humanoid jackal-like warrior with visual design elements of the Egyptain diety Anubis, and the evolved form of Riolu. A playable character with trophies and stickers in SSBB.
Snover 459 A small snowy-tree-like Pokémon with two arms and a snow "cap". A stage Pokémon in Pokémon Stadium 2 in SSBB.
Weavile 462 A bipedal, well-armed dark weasel-like warrior with a big red crown on its head. A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in SSBB.
Magnezone 463 A floating, mechanical entity with strong magnetic powers and three eyes on it. A stage Pokémon and trophy in SSBB.
Electivire 466 The burlier, more yeti-like evolution of Electabuzz with two black electricity-conducting "tails". A stage Pokémon in Pokémon Stadium 2 and a trophy in SSBB.
Leafeon 470 A fox with ears and a tail resembling leaves and plants. Part of a trophy in SSBB.
Glaceon 471 A light-blue fox with frigid offensive abilities based on ice. Part of a trophy in SSBB.
Uxie 480 One of a trio of legendary pixies. This one has a yellow head and represents Knowledge. A Stage Pokémon and trophy in SSBB.
Mesprit 481 One of a trio of legendary pixies. This one has a violet head and represents Emotion. A Stage Pokémon and trophy in SSBB.
Azelf 482 One of a trio of legendary pixies. This one has a blue head and represents Willpower. A Stage Pokémon and trophy in SSBB.
Dialga 483 The mascot on the cover of Pokémon Diamond, one of the dragon trio. A stage element on Spear Pillar in SSBB.
Palkia 484 The mascot on the cover of Pokémon Pearl, one of the dragon trio. A stage element on Spear Pillar in SSBB.
Cresselia 488 A crescent moon shaped Legendary Pokémon. A stage element on Spear Pillar and a trophy in SSBB.
Manaphy 490 A watery sprite and secret Legendary Pokemon whose Heart Swap move can switch the identities and personae of two different individuals. A Poké Ball Pokémon with a trophy and sticker in SSBB.
Darkrai 491 A sinister apparition embodying darkness and possesses extreme power. It is a secret Legendary Pokémon. A trophy and sticker in SSBB.