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::*Then you're calling all of science closed minded, because, you see, in science, we have this thing called the scientific method.  The scientific method says that you have a hypothesis, you test it in an envirnoment whereby results can be directly and exclusively traced to a set of possible causes, therefore you can know for sure what affects what, in what way. It's not closed minded. It's the only way we can for sure know things. Pure fantasy and conjecture is nonsense. If you can't test it, you can't prove it. If you can't disprove it, it's not valid. If you believe it, you can't prove it, and it can't be disproven, that's faith or ignorance, or both.
::*Then you're calling all of science closed minded, because, you see, in science, we have this thing called the scientific method.  The scientific method says that you have a hypothesis, you test it in an envirnoment whereby results can be directly and exclusively traced to a set of possible causes, therefore you can know for sure what affects what, in what way. It's not closed minded. It's the only way we can for sure know things. Pure fantasy and conjecture is nonsense. If you can't test it, you can't prove it. If you can't disprove it, it's not valid. If you believe it, you can't prove it, and it can't be disproven, that's faith or ignorance, or both.
::*Okay, okay, okay--wait, wait WAIT. You're saying that ''IF'' the programmers were dumb enough to believe in PK, for which there is, and I will say it again ''no credible scientific evidence of its existence'' and that they somehow knew more than you do about it and were able to ''convince the developer to waste resources, time, and invest money in research'' to be able to program an ''easter egg'' into the game regarding something ''nobody believes in except kooks and nuts'' with ''a single facet of the game'' then your whack-a-doodle speculation ''could'' be true about affecting final smashes with your mind. NO FURTHER WITNESSES YOUR HONOR, I REST MY CASE. [[User:Semicolon|Semicolon]] ([[User talk:Semicolon|talk]]) 18:50, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
::*Okay, okay, okay--wait, wait WAIT. You're saying that ''IF'' the programmers were dumb enough to believe in PK, for which there is, and I will say it again ''no credible scientific evidence of its existence'' and that they somehow knew more than you do about it and were able to ''convince the developer to waste resources, time, and invest money in research'' to be able to program an ''easter egg'' into the game regarding something ''nobody believes in except kooks and nuts'' with ''a single facet of the game'' then your whack-a-doodle speculation ''could'' be true about affecting final smashes with your mind. NO FURTHER WITNESSES YOUR HONOR, I REST MY CASE. [[User:Semicolon|Semicolon]] ([[User talk:Semicolon|talk]]) 18:50, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
:Cool it, SapphireKirby. These two are having a reasonable dispute, and you need to stay out of their business. You're not their mother, so stop trying to act like you are. As for Semicolon and the other guy, calm teh language. <span style="border:2px outset #33cc00;background-color:#ff0000;-moz-border-radius:7px"> [[User:Blue Ninjakoopa|<font style="font-family:arial black;"><span style="color:#ffffff">Koopa</span>]] [[Image:Koopersshell.gif|19px]] [[User talk:Blue Ninjakoopa|<span style="color:#ffffff">Klaus</span></font>]]</span> 20:06, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
:::Who's being the mommy now, man? It would be expressing it more mildly if it wasn't so darned ridiculous. [[User:Semicolon|Semicolon]] ([[User talk:Semicolon|talk]]) 21:26, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
::I'm sorry, Blue Ninjakoopa, Semicolon, and Cheezperson...I could'nt control myself. I apologize for the post. I deleted it. <span style="color:blue"> '''[[User:SapphireKirby777|SapphireKirby777]] ([[User talk:SapphireKirby777|talk]]) 20:34, 5 December 2008 (UTC)''' </span>
:::No, you see, this guy is claiming not that in the fictional world (where it actually might be possible) Ness and Lucas are using PK.  He's claiming that ''real people'' are using PK to control the ones and zeros of the smash coding to make things happen.  The first claim might be true, but it's really not important.  The second claim is dumb.  You see, there is no scientific proof of any of this.  One person with a Ph.D. does not constitute anything, especially when virtually every other person with a Ph.D in like fields contradicts him/her.  As for being "closed minded" I'm going to quote some Harry Potter here:  "I'm sorry, but that's completely ridiculous!  How can I possibly prove it doesn't exist?...I mean, you could claim anything's real if the only basis for believing in it is that nobody's proved it doesn't exists!" (JKR, DH 411).  OK, let's get this straight.  This crap doesn't exists.  You can believe whatever you want, but don't come into to a discussion with intelligent people and expect them not to dissect it.  When you make a preposterous claim, the onus is on you to provide the scientific methodology and results that lead to this being a legitimate contention.  [[User:Clarinet Hawk|Clarinet Hawk]] <small>([[User talk:Clarinet Hawk|talk]] · [[Special:Contributions/Clarinet Hawk|contributions]])</small> 21:25, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
This is getting sadder and sadder by the minute.
*To TheLegendTamer: PK isn't a real thing.  The fact that it was in a videogame like Earthbound speaks for itself.  Guys with PhD's don't go around and do that for real.  It's the internet, people can do and say what they want.  Heck, there are quite a few people on the internet claiming to be Jesus, and... well... I think you get it.  Go back to finding odd/random/interesting things in the game, you're good at it : )
*To SLAPAHO (Clarinet Hawk and Semicolon): I think you guys made your point a little too well.  I hate to sound motherly/rude, but I wouldn't have gone into detail on why TLT is wrong.  It just confused him (it confused me, and I'm good with words).  And drop the "intelligent people" thing, it's part of the reason why some people dislike the administration here (not saying I don't).
*To SapphireKirby777: I didn't write the snitch thing on BNK's post.  Check the "History" tab at the top of the page to make sure next time.  Don't worry, I forgive you, I guess.
::I think I've said this before, but this site is about a VIDEOGAME, not about whether or not PK/PSI is real.  '''[[User:Cheezperson|<span style="color:gold">Cheez</span><span style="color:red">person</span>]]''' {[[User talk:Cheezperson|<span style="color:steelblue">talk</span>]]}[[Special:Contributions/Cheezperson|<span style="color:silver">stuff</span>]]''' 07:47, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
:::*To Cheezeperson: Don't tell me not to be intelligent. That is the most insulting thing you could possibly say to me, and I mean it. We clearly ''didn't'' make out point well enough, since he still believes in that nonsense.  I have a stake in preserving the integrity of science, as I am going to be a scientist later in my life, so this is something of a personal issue as well.  You speak of this 'intelligent people' thing as though that's ''not'' who we are.  It is.  I ''always'' have typed like this, and I occasionally speak like this.  If it offends people, too f-ing bad.  If you're offended that I'm smart, get over yourself.  If you're offended that I'm disparaging your views, defend yourself! That's what it's all about. And don't ever tell me what you just told me, again. [[User:Semicolon|Semicolon]] ([[User talk:Semicolon|talk]]) 18:00, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
:::Also to Cheezperson.  I know this site is about a video game, but boy genius above is claiming that you can control this game with your mind.  You can't.  He's failed to respond to any point that we've made except by saying that "if event X happened, Y must be true."  That's a useless argument when the contention is not only that Y is false, but also that X could not happen.  He has absolutely no evidence to back up his claims.  Also, like semicolon said, don't tell us not to be intelligent.  We are, too bad if you don't like it.  [[User:Clarinet Hawk|Clarinet Hawk]] <small>([[User talk:Clarinet Hawk|talk]] · [[Special:Contributions/Clarinet Hawk|contributions]])</small> 18:52, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
::::I wasn't saying you weren't (you guys are in college.  You're probably smarter than most everyone here), I'm just saying that flaunting around intelligence to the average user here (grade school kids) can be taken the wrong way.  I, personally, don't mind it as much (I'm probably a little older than the average), but you have to watch what you say to these guys.  And I'm not saying don't be intelligent!  WE NEED that intelligence!  I was saying that you shouldn't say "Well I'm smarter than you, and therefore I am right and you are wrong."  That might not be what you meant, but that's how I took it.  As to the real "issue," forget it.  Again, I hate to sound mean, but you have to spot a hopeless cause when you see one.  TLT obviously isn't going to accept the truth, so just take what has happened as good practice for a real issue.  Again, I'm sorry if you two felt insulted, but I think you misunderstood a little bit.  '''[[User:Cheezperson|<span style="color:gold">Cheez</span><span style="color:red">person</span>]]''' {[[User talk:Cheezperson|<span style="color:steelblue">talk</span>]]}[[Special:Contributions/Cheezperson|<span style="color:silver">stuff</span>]]''' 19:34, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
:::::See, that's why I said that that's the way we's not flauting, it's our default state. I speak this way to most everyone, and in this manner, with this level of intellectual engagement if the circumstance permits. I mean no one any offense, unless explicitly stated, which it often is.  I've never claimed my intelligence as an argument, but my arguments are sprung from that intelligence.  See, the intelligence and arguments are highly related.  I have never, not once, claimed my intelligence as an argument for my position (because that's not something that intelligent people do, because it's a bad argument).  For the way it's received, it's not my fault if it is perceived as intimidating. That's their problem.  If you look at the words, they're, at the outset at least, not insulting or degradating personally, though they often are to the argument. That's not a personal attack, it's an attack at an argument. Learn to separate your emotions from your arguments, and everything goes a lot smoother.  For TLT, he's not going to say anything more here anyway, I figure, so that's moot. [[User:Semicolon|Semicolon]] ([[User talk:Semicolon|talk]]) 03:31, 7 December 2008 (UTC)
:::::::Actually, I was talking to CH about the flaunting of intelligence.  I re-read what he said, and I'm figuring that he didn't mean it like that.  Still, we should all be careful what we say around the average user.  '''[[User:Cheezperson|<span style="color:gold">Cheez</span><span style="color:red">person</span>]]''' {[[User talk:Cheezperson|<span style="color:steelblue">talk</span>]]}[[Special:Contributions/Cheezperson|<span style="color:silver">stuff</span>]]''' 04:37, 7 December 2008 (UTC)
::::::::I am speaking for both of us.[[User:Semicolon|Semicolon]] ([[User talk:Semicolon|talk]]) 05:37, 7 December 2008 (UTC)
:::::::::I kinda figured that.  It seems that TLT has gone quiet, so the last thing I will say here is that I am sorry if you guys were offended by what I said (I was responding to CH's last post, towards the bottom of what he said).  Just watch what you say.  I believe we have a policy here that says that all users are equal, no matter how obtuse they may be (not saying TLT is).  '''[[User:Cheezperson|<span style="color:gold">Cheez</span><span style="color:red">person</span>]]''' {[[User talk:Cheezperson|<span style="color:steelblue">talk</span>]]}[[Special:Contributions/Cheezperson|<span style="color:silver">stuff</span>]]''' 05:43, 7 December 2008 (UTC)
I only get 30 min or less a day to do what I want with internet yesterday I looked up cheats for street fighter alpha 2 XD. So i may pull off a Houdini now and then. You guys are right about this site being a video game wikia and this thread is not specifically for PSI anyways, I still need to post my huge list of tricks and tips and I can't do that arguing about something irrelevant. Real or not it's not the subject. maybe later.[[User:TheLegendTamer|TheLegendTamer]] ([[User talk:TheLegendTamer|talk]]) 17:18, 9 December 2008 (UTC)
:@ TLT:  You see, you made it the subject when you tried to defend it.  Don't walk into an internet forum and claim some ridiculous position unless you plan to defend it from being torn to pieces.  Saying that you don't have time to defend it is not a legitimate argument.  Either spend time arguing or concede that you're wrong.
:@ Cheez:  No, the policy says that all users are ''valuable''.  Equality is a completely different thing.  Also, even if we did have that policy, it would say that every user has equality of opportunity, not outcome.  Someone in this discussion is right, someone is wrong.  There is no way we can be equal.  [[User:Clarinet Hawk|Clarinet Hawk]] <small>([[User talk:Clarinet Hawk|talk]] · [[Special:Contributions/Clarinet Hawk|contributions]])</small> 01:53, 10 December 2008 (UTC)
Well I only get internet at school during lunch O.O. Why is it it's either clarinethawk or semicolon to try to tear my statements to pieces? I wonder... have we met somewhere else? XDDDD well anyways all my small discoveries/combos will be posted in My Talk. So if your looking for my posts look there not here (unless it's big discoveries). [[User:TheLegendTamer|TheLegendTamer]] ([[User talk:TheLegendTamer|talk]]) 17:19, 10 December 2008 (UTC)
:It really is nice to be done with exams and term papers and now have time to devote to this.  So, I went and looked at this "expert's" page, and it is complete crap.  Take the dumb picture thing on the main page.  This thing asks you to click which of the two pictures you are "going to make it turn into."  Then you're supposed to use you mind to make it become that.  Let me explain something, there is nothing your mind is doing.  The picture is cycling through the permutations of the pixilated version, and it stops when it is on one of the two whole pictures.  There is nothing supernatural about this.  In fact, the chance for the whole picture coming up is much higher than any other permutation.  And let's say that one person got it right ten times in a row.  That proves nothing.  If the both pictures have the same chance of coming up (obviously in your deluded mind I would have to say excluding ESP), then getting it right ten times has a one out of 1024 chance of happening.  We're on the internet.  Many people look at pages every day.  Even if only about one thousand people visit this page a week, statistically speaking, one of these people will get it "right" ten times in a row.  So, you've proved absolutely nothing.  Secondly, if someone does it more times in a row, this picture game still proves nothing as there's no way to know that this thing isn't rigged to produce results that "support" his waked view of the way things work.  [[User:Clarinet Hawk|Clarinet Hawk]] <small>([[User talk:Clarinet Hawk|talk]] · [[Special:Contributions/Clarinet Hawk|contributions]])</small> 15:28, 22 December 2008 (UTC)
::Cool it, CH. He can be dealt with in a more calm and collected manner. - <font face="times new roman">[[User:GalaxiaD|<span style="color:silver">'''GalaxiaD'''</span>]]</font><font face="times new roman"> <small>[[User Talk:GalaxiaD|<span style="color:gold">'''(Happy Holidays!)'''</span>]]</small></font> 21:02, 22 December 2008 (UTC)
:::Sorry if I got a little over the top, but the stupidity of the claims he is making needed to be addressed.  [[User:Clarinet Hawk|Clarinet Hawk]] <small>([[User talk:Clarinet Hawk|talk]] · [[Special:Contributions/Clarinet Hawk|contributions]])</small> 20:35, 24 December 2008 (UTC)
::::It's alright. Point understood. - <font face="times new roman">[[User:GalaxiaD|<span style="color:silver">'''GalaxiaD'''</span>]]</font><font face="times new roman"> <small>[[User Talk:GalaxiaD|<span style="color:gold">'''(Happy Holidays!)'''</span>]]</small></font> 21:11, 24 December 2008 (UTC)
Am I the only one who noticed the immense size of this page O.o. Btw, those things have happened, I merely repeat what I read. Ultimate Chimaera thing, childs play, very easy with PK, why? Beacuse the Odds thing was NOT hypothetical, it was an example. These events HAVE been recorded in fact, even more odd defying cases have been recorded. Also telepathy has been confirmed several times. They even have a part of the brain identified to be able to do these things, it's about the size of a fat index finger.
And for the last Time I AM ONLY SAYING THAT THE CREATORS OF NESS AND LUCAS MIGHT BELEIVE IN PK NOT THAT IT'S REAL. LETS SAY IT'S NOT BUT IF THE CREATORS DID IT WOULDN'T BE TOO HARD TO SPECULATE THEY MIGHT HAVE RIGGED THEIR FINAL SMASHES TO IN THEORY RESPOND TO PK. I have no Idea why all that was even brought up in the first place. IT'S JUST A FUNNY INTERESTING POSSIBILITY. (and no the odds thing was not rigged, and was working properly, sad fact is you can deny PK and ESP but you can't find any other explanation of which are blamed on PK and ESP, and no you can't deny these events happen everyday so until you prove antigravity, or somehow explain mass hallucination without introducing Telepathy, this conversation is a waste ^_^, I'll explain why later)[[User:TheLegendTamer|TheLegendTamer]] ([[User talk:TheLegendTamer|talk]]) 17:16, 27 January 2009 (UTC)
Honestly kid, I swear to Zeus this is the last time I'm going to try and explain this to you.
*I notice the immense size of the page. Why I don't understand is why you keep fighting when you're cornered.
*'BTW THOES THIGNS HAPPUND.'............No they didn't.
*Okay, if the Ultimate Chimera thing is child's play, then do it. Get the Ultimate Chimera to appear in the same spot 15 times in a row, without hacking, with video evidence (I would require video streaming, because I'm sure you would doctor a posted video), and be able to repeat it in a controlled, laboratory setting. I will give you everything I have if you can change his color, too.
*I still have no idea what you're getting at with the 'odds' thing. It might be a good idea to ''make sense'' before posting.
*No, they haven't been recorded, or else they would be both known, studied, documented, and acknowledged as legitimate phenomenon by the scientific community. Where's the evidence? Don't just say that they've been recorded and run away. Here's a recipe for your argument: Step 1: Take something that is demonstrably false and continually and vaguely assert it, all the while being ridiculously insistent. Step 2: Take all criticism and deflect it with hysterical claims of its truth. To show you I have it down pat, I will demonstrate:
.......''Dolphins have healing powers...they healed somebody they didn't just ask for fish...I taught a dolphin English! was child's play...he recited all of Act 2 Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet...I was astonished too...Of course dolphin's have healing powers!...there's some pretentious douchebag who has a Ph.D in paradolphinpsychdolphinolodolphingy...yeah, it's true...''
*If this crap has been recorded, show it to me. I could pick it apart in my sleep, I assure you. I'm a research assistant for a tier 1 University. Tearing apart meaningless drivel claiming supernatural powers is the kind of stuff that real scientists ignore and send the B-team (research assistants) out for. Guess what? I'm on the B-team. '''You really want to know what is child's play? It's ripping apart beliefs of the supernatural, and in particular ESP and bullshit like that.'''
*No, telepathy has not been recorded. Do you even have any idea of the parts of the brain, or what the brain is made of? The brain is a collection of neurons that ''all have physical connections to one another (it's called an axon).'' These physical connections are ''the only way that data is transferred.'' Neurons '''cannot be excited remotely, and have no function other than to send electrical impulses along their axons.''' When you put them together, they can do astounding things, but these astounding things are only vastly complicated connections of '''mere physical interaction.''' You are positing things that are beyond physical interactions, which neurons demonstrably '''do not do.''' And this is EXTREMELY basic neurology. They have '''NOT''' identified parts of the brain to do these things! There are NO PARTS OF THE BRAIN THAT DO THESE THINGS.
How does one believe in something, and not, at the same time? If you are by chance saying that the creators of Ness and Lucas might believe in PK, and that it might not be real, then you've basically conceded your entire argument; it's irrelevant whether they believe in it or not because it's not real and thus cannot be programmed into the game. '''OR''' you are saying that the creators of Ness and Lucas might believe in PK and not believe in it at the same time. I'm saving my insults for after the end of your hysterical capitalized section.
If it's not real, there's no way they could rig their final smashes. And yes, even if it is real, it would be very illogical to speculate that their final smashes would be rigged, because that costs money, hard research, and some really, really, ground breaking work. A game developer, who is interested in making money and not in doing research, will not expend resources on something that is unproven and likely false, and then if they did they would advertise it like hell because it would be interesting. They did neither, I assure you.
*'IT'S JUST A FUNNY INTERESTING POSSIBILITY.' It's not interesting, and it's not a possibility.
*'ad fact is you can deny PK and ESP but you can't find any other explanation of which are blamed on PK and ESP, and no you can't deny these events happen everyday so until you prove antigravity, or somehow explain mass hallucination without introducing Telepathy'
Okay, pretend like I'm speaking very slowly, because you're going to need the extra time to process.  PK and ESP do not exist. There is nothing to explain about them. The phenomenon has ''repeatedly'' been shown to not exist. If there are strange things going on, there are ''always'' more plausible explanations than supernatural occurrences. The first is, well, there isn't anything strange at all. Second, coincidence.  Third, there's a man behind the curtain. After all that has been exhausted, then it is time for alternative and disparate explanations to work their way in. If those don't work, then ''maybe'' a supernatural phenomenon is considered. But trust me, it very rarely gets past the first few explanations.
*'this conversation is a waste' I don't think so, because I hope you're learning something.
*Take some science classes. Sincerely, [[User:Semicolon|Semicolon]] ([[User talk:Semicolon|talk]]) 18:26, 27 January 2009 (UTC)
You know, I think it's pretty amusing how you never actually refute any of our points except to rant that PK and ESP exist.  You see, there are three parts to an argument, the claim, the warrant, and the impact.  I'll diagram one of my arguments from above with this in mind to show you.  My claim:  "The only evidence that you provided for PK being real is this one person's site.  His site fails to prove that PK exists."  That's a claim.  It has no backing; that's what the warrants are for.  My warrants:  (1)  It is easy to show the first part of the statement to be true simply by looking at your above comments.  (2) The "test" image is not fully describe in function, so there is no measurable way to record and analyze the data.  (3) He shows no record of the recorded data from this image, so there is no way to reference it.  (4)  Just saying that one person has had the "right" answer ten times in a row proves nothing as statistics show that this should happen at least once a week.  You see, all of those back up my previous claim.  Now the impact.  This is what the claim being true means.  What's the impact of this?  Quite simply, PK doesn't exists, as the only piece of real evidence you've put forward has been debunked.  Now for your arguments.  All you have is a claim.  No backing to that claim, and no impact of what it means.  I'll say this again:  ''every major scientific test has shown PK and ESP to be false.  In the few that initially showed that it might be real, further testing revealed that the anomalies were due to chance, not to anything supernatural.''  I hope that clears everything up.  [[User:Clarinet Hawk|Clarinet Hawk]] <small>([[User talk:Clarinet Hawk|talk]] · [[Special:Contributions/Clarinet Hawk|contributions]])</small> 19:24, 27 January 2009 (UTC)
:Oh, and on the topic of antigravity, there's a good example that shows how your argument fails.  You see, liquid nitrogen can be used to supercool magnets such that they will float above another magnetic source.  The magnet is free to spin about its axis and is only subject to air resistance.  How is this important.  Well two reasons.  First, ''there is documented evidence of it''.  Look it up, or if you're lazy, just follow [ this link].  Second, and probably more importantly, when this happened, the secientific community didn't go ZOMG LIQID NITROGN CAUSEZ ANITGRABIY, they looked for what might actually be causing it.  What did they find?  That at certain temperatures, magnetic forces override the force of gravity.  No, gravity does not cease to exists, it is just compensated for by another force.  (I know this is a gross over simplification of the process, but it should suffice to show the method).  Now, your asking how this fits this discussion?  Well I'm glad you asked.  You see, all that happening with the PK argument is that an undocumented event is being used to make a claim with no backing except that the undocumented event occurred, thereby proving it.  Even if the event was documented, this is still circular logic.  [[User:Clarinet Hawk|Clarinet Hawk]] <small>([[User talk:Clarinet Hawk|talk]] · [[Special:Contributions/Clarinet Hawk|contributions]])</small> 01:33, 30 January 2009 (UTC)
Wait, if PK were real, and the programmers believed in it, why would Ness and Lucas' final smashes need to be rigged to respond to PK if PK can control and influence events?[[User:Y462|Y462]] <small>([[User talk:Y462|T]] • [[Special:Contributions/Y462|C]]  • [[Special:Editcount/Y462|E]] )</small> 02:38, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
:If PK were real (I'm going to try to remain completely neutral in this debate, so as not to offend anyone), people would be able to move (kinesis) objects with their mind (psycho). However, game code, which is fundamentally binary, is not a solid object, and therefore cannot be "moved" as, say, one of those spoons you might try and bend if you were a bored "PKer." There would be no way for the programmers to rig the game, as the Nintendo Wii has (would have?) no way of detecting psychokinetic energy. There's no programming language out there that says "IF: PK detected THEN: pwn with Starstorm ELSE: fail at life" because (besides the obvious high unlikeliness of its existence) machines have no way of detecting a force that does not emit a wavelength. By the way, is there some way to re-name this forum, cuz we're not talking about Meta Knight anymore.--[[User:Meta-K|Meta-Kirb]] ([[User talk:Meta-K|talk]]) 03:03, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
::The above posts are full of win. [[User:Semicolon|Semicolon]] ([[User talk:Semicolon|talk]]) 03:06, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
You know, I got bored today and actually went and tried Ness's Final Smash to see what happens.  Guess what?  It's a pattern.  No random number generators, no homing missiles, no PK, no dolphin energy fields.  So, you can't influence it with PK, which incidentally doesn't exist.  [[User:Clarinet Hawk|Clarinet Hawk]] <small>([[User talk:Clarinet Hawk|talk]] · [[Special:Contributions/Clarinet Hawk|contributions]])</small> 05:16, 30 August 2009 (UTC)
== And back to the original question ==
As much as I enjoyed the PK argument (I'm not being sarcastic), I'd like to take a moment to go back to the original point of this thread.  You see, Meta Knight's tech roll isn't even that bad.  It still moves him far enough in a direction that a tech-chase still requires some guessing.  And let's say you guess right.  Meta Knight can still use his down-smash, up special, or any other of his almost limitless moves that have no lag and high priority.  You show me the videos of you (or any player for that matter) beating M2K with ZSS or the ICs using this tech chase roll whatchamacallit, then I'll think that maybe Meta Knight is vulnerable to this.  [[User:Clarinet Hawk|Clarinet Hawk]] <small>([[User talk:Clarinet Hawk|talk]] · [[Special:Contributions/Clarinet Hawk|contributions]])</small> 20:39, 19 February 2009 (UTC)