- Z button also works to raise the shield in Melee. I will proceed to change that. - Darth Roostertail (talk) 01:41, 28 November 2008 (UTC)

It also does in Brawl, after the grab finishes. --Shadowcrest 01:45, 28 November 2008 (UTC)

- I know. I have edited it so that it implies that L, R or Z can be used in all 3 games.-Darth Roostertail (talk) 01:48, 28 November 2008 (UTC)

Immediate Z shield in Melee

Sometimes when I press Z in Melee, the character shields without grabbing first. Does this happen to anyone else, or could it be that I just happen to stub the R button? - Ceci n’est pas un Smiddle. 16:57, 3 August 2013 (EDT)

Shield stun

I looked at the list of wanted pages, and 'Shield stun' is pretty high up there. In addition, shield stun isn't really defined clearly on the Wiki. There should at least be a note, like 'shield stun is a short period of time in which after an attack is shielded, the shielder is unable to act. The length of the shield stun is dependent on the attack shielded.' I wasn't really sure if I should put it in Out of Shield or Shield, and I didn't think it deserved a page of its own, and I wasn't sure if a redirect was proper, so . . . — Jigglypuff the Magic Dragon (talk)   20:21, 17 December 2013 (EST)